WIPO | CRNR/DC/1 ORIGINAL: English DATE: August 30, 1996 |
1. The Draft Agenda, set out below, was proposed by the Director
General of WIPO to the Preparatory Committee of the Proposed Diplomatic
Conference (December 1996) on Certain Copyright and Neighboring
Rights Questions and was considered by that Committee in its meeting
held in Geneva on May 20 and 21, 1996 (see documents
CRNR/PM/5 and 8).
2. The Preparatory Committee approved the draft agenda as proposed
to it (see document CRNR/PM/8, paragraph 56).
3. Subsequently, the General Assembly of WIPO (at its eighteenth
session (6th extraordinary)) and the Assembly of the Berne Union
(at its nineteenth session (7th extraordinary)), in joint meetings
held in Geneva on May 21 and 22, 1996, noted with
approval the conclusions of the Preparatory Committee (document AB/XXVIII/3,
paragraph 7).
1. Opening of the Conference by the Director General of WIPO
2. Consideration and adoption of the Rules of Procedure
3. Election of the President of the Conference
4. Consideration and adoption of the agenda
5. Election of the Vice-Presidents of the Conference
6. Election of the members of the Credentials Committee
7. Election of the members of the Drafting Committee
8. Election of the Officers of the Credentials Committee, the Main Committees and Drafting Committee
9. Consideration of the first report of the Credentials Committee
10. Opening declarations by Delegations and by representatives of Observer Organizations
11. Consideration of the texts proposed by the Main Committees
12. Consideration of the second report of the Credentials Committee
13. Adoption of the Treaty
14. Adoption of any recommendation, resolution, agreed statement or final act
15. Closing declarations by Delegations and by representatives of Observer Organizations
16. Closing of the Conference by the President