CRNR/DC/80 ORIGINAL: English DATE: December 17, 1996 | |
Geneva, December 2 to 20, 1996
prepared by the Secretariat
The Credentials Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee), established on December 5, 1996, by the Diplomatic Conference on Certain Copyright and Neighboring Rights Questions, met for the second time on December 17, 1996.
The Delegations of the following States, elected members of the Committee by the Diplomatic Conference, attended the meeting: Azerbaijan, China, Croatia, Italy, Jordan, Senegal and Trinidad and Tobago.
The Chairman of the Committee, elected by the Diplomatic Conference, was Mrs. Ndèye Abibatou Youm Diabe Siby (Senegal). The Vice-Chairmen, elected by the Diplomatic Conference, were Mr. Nikola Kopi (Croatia), Mr. Corrado Milesi Ferretti (Italy) and Ms. Mary Ann Richards (Trinidad and Tobago).
In accordance with Rule 9(1) of the Rules of Procedure adopted by the Conference on December 3, 1996, and amended on December 5, 1996 (document CRNR/DC/9 Rev.; hereinafter referred to as the Rules of Procedure), the Committee examined the credentials and full powers received since its first meeting on December 9, 1996.
The Committee found in order the following further communications:
(a) as far as Member Delegations are concerned,
(i) the credentials and full powers (that is, credentials for participating in the Conference and full powers to sign one or several of the treaties to be adopted by the Diplomatic Conference) of the delegations of the following eight States:
Algeria Austria Chile Germany Kenya Mexico Trinidad and Tobago Yemen
(ii) the credentials (without full powers) of the delegations of the following four States:
Armenia Cameroon Lesotho Russian Federation
(b) as far as the Special Delegation is concerned, the credentials and full powers of the Delegation of the European Communities (1).
The Committee recommends to the Conference, meeting in Plenary, to accept the credentials and full powers of the delegations mentioned in paragraph 5(a)(i) and (b), above, and the credentials of the delegations mentioned in paragraph 5(a)(ii), above.
The Committee re-expressed the wish that the Secretariat should bring Rule 6 (Credentials and Full Powers), 7 (Letters of Appointment) and 10 (Provisional Participation) of the Rules of Procedure to the attention of Member Delegations or Observer Delegations not having presented credentials or full powers and of the representatives of Observer Organizations not having presented letters or other documents of appointment.
The Committee decided that a report on its meeting should be prepared by the Secretariat and issued as its report, to be presented by the Chairman of the Committee to the Conference, meeting in Plenary.
The Committee authorized its Chairman to examine any further communications concerning Member Delegations, Observer Delegations, Special Delegation or Observer Organizations which might be received by the Secretariat after the close of its second meeting and to report thereon to the Conference, meeting in Plenary, unless the Chairman deemed it necessary to convene the Committee to examine and report on those communications.
[End of document]