DATE: September 15, 1998




Forty-Second (29th Ordinary) Session

Geneva, September 7 to 15, 1998


adopted by the Coordination Committee






adopted by the Coordination Committee

1. The Coordination Committee was concerned with the following items on the Consolidated Agenda (document A/33/1 Prov.2): 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, the first part of 8, 9, 14, 18, 19, 20 and 21.

2. The report on the said items, with the exception of the first part of item 8 and item 19, is contained in the general report (document A/33/8).

3. The report on the first part of item 8 and item 19 is contained in the present document.

4. Mr. Jean-Marie Noirfalisse (Belgium), Chair of the Coordination Committee and Mr. Leo J. Palma (Philippines), Vice-Chair, presided over the meetings of the Committee.


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5. Discussions were based on document WO/CC/42/1.

6. The WIPO Coordination Committee agreed to adopt the following texts:


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"Procedures for the Announcement of an Impending Vacancy and for the Submission of Candidatures

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"Procedures for Nomination by the Coordination Committee of a Candidate to the Post of Director General

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"I. General principles
"II. Right to vote
"III. Decision-making process
"Appointment of Director General

7. The Delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran recalled that, during the deliberations of the Working Group, that Delegation had stressed the need for geographical distribution in respect of the post of Director General. While the principle of geographical distribution was not a treaty obligation in other intergovernmental organizations, since the United Nations had adopted the principle in practice, the Delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran hoped that the Members of the WIPO Coordination Committee would agree to adopt, in practice, the principle of geographical distribution in respect of the post of Director General of the Organization.


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9. Discussions were based on document WO/CC/42/2.

Amendments to the Staff Regulations provisionally decreed and applied under Staff Regulation 12.1

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10. The WIPO Coordination Committee approved the amendments to Staff
Regulation 3.1 under Staff Regulation 12.1.

Termination of Appointment

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11. The WIPO Coordination Committee took note of the information as reported in paragraphs 12 to 14.

International Civil Service Commission

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12. The WIPO Coordination Committee took note of the information as reported in paragraph 16.

United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board

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13. The WIPO Coordination Committee took note of the information as reported in paragraph 18.

Advice on Appointments to posts at grade D.1

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14. Discussions were based on paragraphs 20 to 42, in which the advice of the Coordination Committee was sought for the intended promotion to grade D.1 of Mrs. Haidar El Addal, Mr. Eckstein, Mr. Blomqvist, Mrs. Lom, Mr. Espinosa and Mrs. Rogé.

15. The Director General gave information on the six WIPO staff members and the reasons why they merited promotion to D.1.

16. He noted that at the March Session of the Assemblies, he had promised in response to requests by Member States, to make proposals to improve the gender balance at the senior management level of WIPO.

17. He observed that every one of the six candidates had behind them over twenty years of full-time professional experience. In the case of four staff members, the major part of their experience had been with WIPO or with the United Nations system. For the other two candidates, their experience had been closely related to the work of WIPO. Collectively, he noted, they had an accumulated service of over 140 years of experience. Such a rich store of knowledge was not commonly available, he said. It was indispensable that WIPO should maximize the experience of those staff members. The future of the Organization depended on colleagues like those proposed. He knew them personally and had worked with them closely. They were all solid candidates and enjoyed the full confidence and support of the Director General. They were tested and will be able to carry out the vision of WIPO. He expressed the hope that they would enjoy the confidence of the Coordination Committee.

18. The Delegation of the United States of America expressed support for the individuals nominated. It could not, however, join in the consensus until additional information had been provided which showed that the functions for which they were being promoted corresponded to the standards of grade D.1 in the United Nations system.

19. The Director General stated that the additional information requested was in the process of being furnished to the Delegation of the United States of America.

20. The Delegation of Kenya expressed satisfaction for the nominations made by the Director General and particularly wished to commend him for recommending three women. However, it expressed the wish to see more women being proposed for promotion to higher office.

21. The Delegation of Chile was respectful of the prerogative of the Director General with regard to promotions. It welcomed the fact that out of the six candidates, three were women and that one candidate was from Latin America. The Delegation expressed support for all candidates. In particular, it wished to pay tribute two of the candidatures, namely Mr. Eckstein, who had played an important contribution, and Mr. Espinosa who has a solid knowledge of intellectual property law and had also been involved in the legal reform, especially in Latin America.

22. The Delegation of Portugal expressed its approval and support for the proposed candidates. It emphasized the fact that the proposals clearly demonstrated the skills of the people being promoted, in particular, Mr. Eckstein, whose technical skills, wide culture and understanding of the needs of Member States had been most valuable to his country and to Portuguese speaking countries.

23. The Delegation of the Netherlands, speaking on behalf of Group B, expressed support for the Director General's proposal and, in particular, with regard to the gender balance.

24. The Delegation of Nigeria expressed agreement with the Director General's proposal and paid tribute, in particular, to Mr. Eckstein, who had shown particular knowledge for the work in the field of development cooperation. It was particularly pleased with the nomination of three women out of the six candidates, but requested that more women, especially from developing countries, be included in WIPO's management.

25. The Delegation of Algeria also expressed satisfaction with the proposed appointments and, in particular, Mr. Eckstein, who had shown great knowledge in the field and had established good relations with the Delegation.

26. The Delegation of Japan expressed support for the nominations and requested whether WIPO could provide a recent organizational chart in the light of these changes.

27. The Director General indicated that the six promotions to grade D.1 would not change the organizational chart already distributed but he would, however, provide the Member States with the latest staff list as it may be of interest for their own information and record.

28. The Delegation of Trinidad and Tobago expressed support for the Director General's nominations and, in particular, for Mr. Eckstein, who had shown good professional understanding and knowledge in dealing with developing countries.

29. The Delegation of the Czech Republic also supported the proposal of the Director General and noted that the appointment of the individuals concerned would further contribute to enhanced working methods of WIPO in the furtherance of its objectives.

30. The Delegation of Bangladesh, speaking of behalf of the Asian Group, observed that the six candidates were well known to the Group, and had the requisite qualifications to serve the Organization at a higher level. Therefore, it wholeheartedly supported the proposal. It noted that one of the six candidates was from Yemen, a country which was in the Asian sub-region. In its view, her promotion among the six, is a first step in rectifying the regional group imbalance, which nevertheless still exists in the Organization and which should further be addressed. The need for equitable geographical representation, and, in particular, the need to address the question of the unrepresented countries was emphasized.

31. The Delegation of India also complimented the Director General for gender sensitivity which he had shown. It added that, in its opinion, there was the need to further address the various needs of regional groups in order to correct the geographical imbalance.

32. The Delegation of Cuba expressed support for the proposal put forward by the Director General. The proposed candidates were said to be valuable professionals and was particularly pleased that among them was a candidate from Latin America and three women.

33. The Delegation of Denmark paid tribute to the Director General for the nominations. It was particularly pleased that one of the candidates was a national of his country and would thus become the highest ranking Danish national in the Organization, which was a source of pride for his Delegation.

34. The Delegation of Benin expressed support for the Director General's proposals and, in particular, paid tribute to Mr. Eckstein, who had gained the high esteem of its country as a result of his competence, dedication and dynamism.

35. The Delegation of Angola congratulated the Director General on his proposals and noted that half of the candidates were women. It paid tribute to the work of Mr. Eckstein for his dedication to developing countries.

36. The Delegation of Venezuela supported the proposal of the Director General and noted that the skills of the individuals concerned would benefit the work of the Organization. It added that it was particularly pleased that there was a Latin American among the proposed candidates, namely Mr. Espinosa, who had worked closely with the ANDEAN Community of Nations on the reform of Decision 344.

37. The Delegation of Burkina Faso supported the proposal of the Director General and encouraged, in particular, the promotion of women. The Delegation paid tribute to Mr. Eckstein, notably for his professional skills and availability in training skills and cooperation.

38. The Delegation of South Africa, speaking on behalf of the African Group, expressed support for the proposal of the Director General and, in particular, for the inclusion of three women candidates.

39. The Delegation of Sweden joined the statement made on behalf of Group B and welcomed the fact that one of the candidates was from his region. Mr. Blomqvist was a highly respected person in the Ministry of Culture of Denmark, and since joining the International Bureau he has shown outstanding professional abilities; Mr. Eckstein had also done excellent work in the area of development cooperation. The Delegation expressed support for all six of the candidates, in particular, for the three women candidates, and encouraged the Director General to pursue that trend in the future.

40. The Delegation of Colombia fully endorsed the proposal to promote the six candidates and expressed satisfaction that three of them were women. It was also pleased that one of the candidates was from his region, namely Mr. Espinosa, and expressed satisfaction for the intended promotion of Mr. Eckstein, who had given valuable assistance to developing programs in Latin America, recognizing his skills and devotion to development cooperation.

41. The Delegation of France wished to associate with other delegations that welcomed the nominations made by the Director General and, in particular, the three women candidates, one of whom was from France. The Delegation also joined with the other delegations in expressing support for the promotion of Mr. Eckstein. He also would welcome the organizational chart in the light of these new appointments.

42. The Delegation of the Russian Federation wished to associate with the consensus reached. It, however, wished to request that for the future, the document concerning proposals should give a more detailed job description, as well as more details concerning the objectives of the organizational units. It asked that the further information to be provided to the Delegation of the United States of America should also be made available to all delegations.

43. The Director General confirmed, once again, that all additional information to be provided to the Delegation of the United States of America, would be made available to all delegations.

44. The Ghana Delegation joined other delegations in the approval of the candidates proposed by the Director General for appointment to posts at grade D.1. The Delegation warmly congratulated all the candidates, mentioning in particular Mr. Eckstein who had demonstrated special skills in the field of development cooperation. At the same time, the Delegation expressed its appreciation to the Director General for his sensitivity to the need for gender balance within the International Bureau of the WIPO which was amply demonstrated in his proposals.

45. The Delegation of Senegal fully supported all the appointment proposals formulated by the Director General, and expressed particular pleasure at the promotions awarded to women. They especially welcomed the proposal to promote Mr. Guy Eckstein to grade D.1, whose exceptional professional ability and devotion to the cause of the owners of intellectual property rights had been abundantly demonstrated. As an indefatigable artisan working for cooperation in developing countries, Mr. Eckstein deserved to have his efforts rewarded at the present time, and therefore the Director General's proposal could be regarded as fully justified.

46. The Delegation of Uruguay expressed support for the appointments, and especially for that of Mr. Eckstein, whose professional abilities had been much appreciated during his long career at the International Bureau.

WIPO Staff Association

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48. At the invitation of the Chair of the Coordination Committee, the Representative of the WIPO Staff Association made a statement, which was distributed to all Delegations. This statement appears in the Annex to this draft report.

[Annex follows]


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Mr. Chairman,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

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