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      ORIGINAL: English
      DATE: April 28, 1999




First Session

Geneva, April 26 to 28, 1999


adopted by the Committee

1. The first session of the WIPO Program and Budget Committee, hereinafter referred to as "the Committee," was held at the headquarters of WIPO on April 26 and 28, 1999.

2. The members of the Program and Budget Committee are the following States: Algeria, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Jamaica, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Senegal, Slovakia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Switzerland (ex officio), United Kingdom, United States of America and Uzbekistan (33). The members of the Program and Budget Committee which were represented at the session were the following: Algeria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Jamaica, Japan, Morocco, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Netherlands, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Senegal, Slovakia, South Africa, Switzerland (ex officio), United Kingdom and United States of America (27). In addition, the following States members of WIPO but not members of the Program and Budget Committee were represented by observers: Argentina, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Cameroon, Cuba, Ethiopia, Finland, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malaysia, Panama, Poland, Spain, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uganda, Viet Nam and Zimbabwe (27).

3. Discussions were based on documents A/34/2 - WO/PBC/1/2 ("Draft Program and Budget") and A/34/2 Rev. - WO/PBC/1/2 Rev. ("Revision of Annex 10, Draft Program and Budget"), WO/PBC/1/3 ("Policy on Reserve Funds and Surpluses"), WO/PBC/1/4 ("Program Performance in 1998") and WO/PBC/1/5 ("Accounts for the 1996-1997 biennium") and its corrigendum.

4. The session was opened by the Director General of WIPO, who welcomed the participants.

5. The Committee unanimously elected Mr. Arturo Hernández Basave (Mexico) as Chairman and Mr. Vladimir Banský (Slovakia) and Mr. Eric Mayoraz (Switzerland) as Vice-Chairmen of the Committee.

6. The Chairman invited any observations on the revised draft agenda contained in document WO/PBC/1/1 Rev. In the absence of any comment, the revised agenda was adopted.

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