Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS)

The CWS was created in 2009 to serve as a forum to adopt new or revised WIPO Standards, policies, recommendations and statements of principle relating to intellectual property data, global information system related matters, information services on the global system, data dissemination and documentation.

Participation in the CWS is open to all member states of WIPO, the Paris Union and/or the Berne Union.  The Organizational Matters and Special Rules of Procedure of the CWS extends membership without the right to vote to the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI), the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO), the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP), the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO), the European Patent Organization (EPO), the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), the Nordic Patent Institute (NPI), the Patent Office of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC), the Visegrad Patent Institute (VPI) and the European Union.  In addition, member states of the United Nations that are not members of WIPO, the Paris Union or the Berne Union, intergovernmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations accredited with observer status at WIPO may participate in the Committee in an observer capacity.

The activities of the CWS under the work program are reported to the WIPO General Assembly.  The Committee may also submit its recommendations to the General Assembly for consideration or approval.


(Delegates at a meeting of the CWS (Photo: WIPO). More CWS photos on Flickr.)

Meetings and documents

Committee members include all WIPO member states as well as a range of observers.

Latest circulars

Email updates

WIPO Standards - Latest developments in WIPO Standards, including updates from the Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS).

Sign up

Task forces and e-forums

The CWS establishes Task Forces consisting of policy makers and experts nominated by Committee members and observers to address specific tasks, such as the development of WIPO Standards.

Dedicated e-forums (Wikis) are provided by WIPO to facilitate the discussions of Task Force members.

ICT Recommendations for Intellectual Property Offices

At its twelfth session, the Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) adopted the set of recommendations on Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Intellectual Property (IP) offices are encouraged to implement the set of these Recommendations and share their plan or experience in implementing these Recommendations.


Activities undertaken on behalf of CWS include:

(Photo: PXHERE)

WIPO Standards

The CWS develops WIPO Standards, which provide a common framework for working with intellectual property documents. They cover patents, trademarks, industrial designs, geographical indications and copyright orphan works. Using WIPO Standards helps intellectual property offices around the globe work in a more efficient, harmonious, and timely fashion.

(Photo: WIPO/Berrod)


We organize trainings from time to time on WIPO Standards and related topics, such as technological developments.  See our Trainings page for more information and a schedule of events.

(Photo: WIPO/Berrod)

Workshops & Other Events

We organize workshops for IP offices, observers, representatives of industry, and other interested parties on various aspects of IP information. The results are presented to the CWS for further consideration.


In addition to developing standards, the CWS produces other information resources in related areas.  Among them are:

world connections
(Image : PXHERE)

WIPO Handbook on IP Documentation

The WIPO Handbook is the authoritative source of WIPO Standards, Recommendations and Guidelines in the field of intellectual property data, information, and documentation. Sections include:


WIPO Sequence Software Tool

WIPO Sequence is a global software tool for patent applicants to prepare amino acid and nucleotide sequence listings compliant with WIPO Standard ST.26, as part of a national, regional, or international patent application.

(Photo : PXHERE)

Authority File of published patent documents

The authority file of published patent documents allows interested parties to assess the completeness of available patent documentation from providing IPOs.

(Image: WIPO)

Blockchain and IP

Working with the IP community to explore the implications of blockchain technology on IP and find suitable models for blockchain usage in the IP space.

(Photo: PXHERE)

Annual Technical Reports

Annual Technical Reports (ATRs) provide an overview of recent developments in services and information by IPOs.  ATRs cover patent, trademark and industrial design activities.

API Catalog for Intellectual Property
(Photo: WIPO)

API Catalog for Intellectual Property

The API Catalog for Intellectual Property (IP) is a unified platform that offers a list of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) provided by IP institutions for their products and services.