Special Rules of Procedure of WIPO Standing Committees


As a default rule, The General Rules of Procedure of WIPO apply, as far as possible, to the subsidiary bodies of WIPO which include the WIPO Committees.[1]  However, the subsidiary bodies may create their own Special Rules of Procedure, as provided by Rules 1.1 and 45.2 of the General Rules of Procedure of WIPO.

Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR)

Special Rules of Procedure

adopted at its first session (November 2-10, 1998)
and at its second session (May 4-11, 1999)

Subject to the following Special Rules of Procedure, the General Rules of Procedure of WIPO shall apply to the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights.[2]

All WIPO Member States, as well as Member States of the Berne Union that are not Member States of WIPO, shall be members of the SCCR.[3]  In addition, the European Community[4] shall be a member of the SCCR, provided that it shall not have the right to vote.[5]

Member States of the United Nations that are neither Member States of WIPO nor Member States of the Berne Union shall have observer status in the SCCR.[6]

The outgoing Chairman and Vice-Chairmen shall be immediately eligible for reelection to their offices.[7] 

Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP)

Special Rules of Procedure[8]

adopted on June 19, 1998
amended on April 23, 1999 (Second Session)
on December 5, 2011 (Seventeenth Session)
and on October 16, 2023 (Thirty-Fifth Session)

The general rules of procedure adopted for WIPO bodies, namely the WIPO General Rules of Procedure[9] shall apply to the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP), subject to modification by agreed special rules of procedure as set out below.[10]

Membership in the SCP is extended to Member States of the Paris Union for the Protection of Industrial Property that are not Member States of WIPO, and observer status is extended to Member States of the United Nations that are not Member States of WIPO or the Paris Union.[11]

The SCP shall elect a Chair and two Vice-Chairs for two consecutive sessions.[12]

The working documents of the SCP shall be prepared in the six official languages of the United Nations[13] in accordance to the WIPO language policy.[14] 

Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT)

Special Rules of Procedure[15]

adopted at its first session (July 13-17, 1998)[16]
amended at its second session (March 15-17,1999)[17] 
and at its third special session (October 2-6, 2023[21]

The general rules of procedure adopted for WIPO bodies, namely the WIPO General Rules of Procedure[18] shall apply to the Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT), subject to modification by agreed special rules of procedure as set out below.

Membership in the SCT is also extended to Member States of the Paris Union that are not Member States of WIPO, and observer status is extended to Member States of the United Nations that are not Member States of WIPO or the Paris Union.

Membership in the SCT is also extended to the European Union[19], provided that it shall not have the right to vote.

The outgoing Chair and Vice-Chairs shall be immediately eligible for re-election to the offices which they have held. 

Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS)

Special Rules of Procedure

[1] Rules 1.1, 12.1 and 12.3 of the General Rules of Procedure of WIPO

[2] Documents SCCR/1/2 (paragraph 5) and SCCR/1/9 Annex I

[3] Documents SCCR/1/2 (paragraph 6) and SCCR/1/9 Annex I

[4] Currently, the organization is called the European Union.

[5] Document SCCR/1/9 Annex I

[6] Documents SCCR/1/2 (paragraph 6) and SCCR/1/9 Annex I

[7] Document SCCR/2/11 (paragraph 8)

[8] The rules were not formally worded as norms (see documents SCP/1/1 and SCP/1/7 and SCP/2/13).  The formal wording of the rules was done by the editor.

[9] Publication No. 399 Rev.3

[10] Document SCP/1/2

[11] Document SCP/1/2

[12] Document SCP/35/10. This rule entered into force on October 16, 2023.

[13] The six official languages of the United Nations are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish

[14] Document SCP/17/6. This rule entered into force on January 1, 2012.

[15] The rules were not formally worded as norms. The formal wording of the rules was done by the editor.

[16] Document SCT/1/2

[17] Document SCT/2/2

[18] Publication No. 399 Rev.3

[19] Document SCT/1/6

[20] According to documents CWS/1/10 (paragraph 17) and CWS/2/14 (paragraph 15), no agreement was reached on organizational matters and special rules of procedure.  In document CWS/2/14 (paragraph 16) it was noted that the WIPO GRP would apply to the CWS.

[21] Document SCT/S3/9