WIPO Director General Daren Tang joined a special session at the ASEAN Economic Ministers in Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic, where he also met with high-ranking officials, inaugurated a new technology and innovation support center and committed to expanding WIPO-Laos cooperation.
On September 17, 2024, Mr. Tang visited Mr. Malaithong Kommasith, Minister of Industry and Commerce (MOIC), prior to the 56th ASEAN Economic Ministers' Meeting.

They exchanged views on trends and challenges in the global intellectual property (IP) ecosystem and how Laos could leverage IP to tap on opportunities globally. Mr. Tang noted several initiatives where WIPO is assisting Laos in using IP to drive its economy, including support for Laotian geographical indications (GI), training and mentoring SMEs in building their IP strategy for business growth, supporting local universities, assisting in establishing Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC) and as well as projects under WIPO's “graduation package” for ascendant less-developed countries (LDCs). The Minister highlighted that WIPO cooperation and support have been extraordinary and important for the reduction of income and finance disparity. The visit concluded with a shared commitment on future collaborations and partnerships in strengthening the IP ecosystem in Laos and around the world.
AEM - Director General of WIPO Interface Meeting
On September 18, 2024, Mr. Tang joined the ASEAN Economic Ministers - Director General of WIPO Interface Meeting. He thanked ASEAN Working Group on Intellectual Property Cooperation (AWGIPC) Chair, Xaysomphet Norasingh, Director General of Department of Intellectual Property, Laos before reporting on the progress and impactful outcomes of activities under the ASEAN-WIPO MOU, signed in August 2023 in Semarang, Indonesia. Mr. Tang's presentation followed opening remarks by Mr. Kommasith, who is also AEM Chair and Mr. Satvinder Singh, Deputy Secretary General of the ASEAN Secretariat.
Mr. Tang said that digital transformation and a strong IP strategy would support ASEAN's 2045 strategy and connect ASEAN's economy with geographical indications (GIs) and copyright-related activities - all to preserve and promote ASEAN's rich and diverse heritage.
In response to Mr. Tang's remarks, Member States expressed in their comments support and commitment for the ASEAN IP Register as a tool in enhancing IP transparency and visibility.
Signing Ceremony of Cooperation Agreements with Laos and Cambodia
Mr. Tang signed cooperation agreements with Laos and Cambodia expanding collaboration related to the countries' IP ecosystem.
For Laos, Mr. Tang and Mr. Kommasithsigned an agreement that covers cooperative activities for the improvement of IP business services at the IP office, digitalization, data capture and data quality improvement, data exchange and dissemination of IP information through the ASEAN IP Register, as well as the provision of advice on the enhancement of IT infrastructure within the office.
With Cambodia, Mr. Tang and Ms. Cham Nimul, Minister of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce signed a similar agreement.
Meeting with the President of National University of Lao PDR (NUOL) and IP Talk at NUOL
Mr. Tang also met with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dexanourat Seneduangdeth, the President of National University of Lao PDR (NUOL), where Mr. Tang addressed students.
In addressing the students, Mr. Tang noted a global shift in patent filings, including from ASEAN, and highlighted the importance of innovation and IP to economic and social development. He told the students that WIPO has many IP training programs through the WIPO Academy including the DL-101 general course on IP that is available in the Laotian language. Mr. Tang told the students that IP usage can improve the lives of everyone, everywhere and he encouraged them to innovate.
Opening Ceremony on Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISC)
Mr. Tang participated in the opening ceremony of Laos' first Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC) in NUOL, together with Mr. Chansouk Sengphachanh, Vice Minister, Ministry of Industry and Commerce and Dr. Seneduangdeth.