World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Intellectual property is improving the lives of everyone, everywhere
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Intellectual property knowledge, data and services are adding value around the globe
Intellectual property knowledge, data and services are adding value around the globe
PCT - The International Patent System
Industrial Designs
Hague - The International Design System
Global Design Database
Madrid - The International Trademark System
Global Brand Database
Geographical Indications
Lisbon - The International System of Geographical Indications
Lisbon Express Database
Bringing people together to help shape the future of intellectual property worldwide

Diplomatic Conference on Genetic Resources and Associated TK

Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO: Sixty-Fifth Series of Meetings
WIPO GREEN connects the technology and service providers of green technology with those seeking innovative, environmental solutions.
WIPO for Creators
WIPO for Creators is an open public-private partnership between WIPO and the Music Rights Awareness Foundation to create awareness and a better understanding of creators’ rights.
The Accessible Books Consortium helps increase the number of books in accessible format worldwide in support of people who are blind or visually impaired.
The Patent Information Initiative for Medicines (Pat-INFORMED) provides easy access to medicine patent information to the health community worldwide.
Intellectual property is a powerful tool for growth and sustainable development
The IAP supports inventors and small businesses with limited resources transform their innovation into commercial assets.