International Symposium on Youth

October 17, 2022

WIPO Japan Office will be organising an online symposium under the themes of Youth and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Building on the momentum of World IP Day Event in 2022 which recognised the huge potential of young people to find solutions that support the transition to a sustainable future, we will continue to explore the role of IP in promoting innovation through SDG related activities and by the youth.

The event will feature, among others, prominent speakers from diverse background such as Mr Ryewon Lee, a 12-years-old junior high school student entrepreneur whose activities were documented and aired as “a 12 years old becomes the CEO” by NHK, Nippon Hoso Kyokai (Japan Broadcasting Corporation,  Mr Patrick J. Coyne, President of AIPLA (American Intellectual Property Law Association), Mr José Graça Aranha, former President of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) in Brazil, Ms Tove Graulund, former Chair of MARQUES, and Mr Hirohisa Yamashita, President, Kariya Invention Club for Boys and Girls, an institution whose team won the first prize in the 2022 Odyssey of the Mind Award. They will highlight the importance of youth’s awareness of IP, and illustrate examples of how companies and societies are supporting innovation by the youth.

WIPO Japan Office would like to encourage participation from various backgrounds beyond those of IP-related industries. Programme of this event is designed to address perspectives of parents, universities as well, those who engage in research and school curriculum, and students, and who are interested in SDGs initiatives.

This event will be organised with financing from the Funds-In-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global.

Event Overview

Date and Time: Tuesday 29th November 2022, 8.00-10:00 AM (CET)
Format: Online
Languages: English and Japanese (Simultaneous Interpretation available)

*This event has ended. Archived videos of each lecture can be viewed in the program below.

Program Highlight*

*Program may be modified without a notice

1. Opening Remarks (8:00-CET)

Video on demand

Tomoki Sawai
Director, WIPO Japan Office

2. Special Presentation of and Dialogue with a 12-year-old entrepreneur (8:05-CET)

Video on demand

Ryewon Lee
CEO, polarewon

3. “How to Explore ideas” OMOIYARI protected IP rights (8:15-CET)

Video on demand

Michiko Hiyama
Assistant Manager, Intellectual Property Training Team, IP Information Service Group and Planning team, Asia Pacific Training Group

Japan Institute for Promoting Invention and Innovation


4. Being an entrepreneur!? (8:30-CET)

Video on demand

Nobuhiko Suzuki
Co-Founder & CEO, AI Communis Pte. Ltd.

5. IP and SDGs (8:45-CET)

Video on demand

José Graça Aranha
WIPO’s Special Representative on the UN SDGs, WIPO

6. Creativity Education at Kariya Invention Club for Boys and Girls (9:00CET

Video on demand

Hirohisa Yamashita 
President, Kariya Invention Club for Boys and Girls

7. Contribution of Companies to IP Creation Education in Japan (9:15-CET)

Video on demand Read the report 

Tsubasa Ueno 
Intellectual Property Consulting Dept, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd.

8. Young entrepreneurs and IP - the Nordic experience(9:30-CET)

Video on demand

Tove Graulund
Principal, Graulund Consulting

9. IP Policy to Promote Youth Innovation (9:45-CET)

Video on demand

Patrick J. Coyne
Immediate Past President, American Intellectual Property Law Association Partner, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP

10. Closing Remarks (10:00-CET)

Video on demand

Tomoki Sawai
Director, WIPO Japan Office

About WIPO Japan Office

WIPO Japan Office, located in Tokyo, is one of the external offices of WIPO. It widely promotes IP systems and roles of IP, and WIPO projects and services. It also bridges among the Japanese government, courts, and IP users. In particular, it places emphasis on promotion of the IP and its roles for innovation to corporate management, SMEs, and youth.