Accompanying local innovators on the journey from research to product
Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs)
Report 2021

The global WIPO Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC) program enables innovators in developing countries, least developed countries and transition countries to access and use technological information from more than 130 million published patent documents and scores of scientific and technical publications, to help them reach their innovative potential. TISCs are typically located in patent offices, universities, research centers or science and technology parks, and they provide assistance to innovators where they need it most.
The journey from research to product is challenging, and getting economic outcomes from research investments requires technical knowledge, deep expertise and close connections between researchers, businesses and government. TISCs help ease this journey by providing powerful tools and local knowledge, which allows them to be better connected, and in that connection the magic happens.
Daren Tang
Director General

Key developments of the TISC program
In 2021 the TISC program continued to expand its range of resources, enabling TISCs worldwide to better support local innovators. Examples of developments include the integration of specialized technology transfer resources into the TISC program, and the first Global TISC Conference.

1200+ TISCs in the World in 2021
The TISC program is still growing; there were 1,287 TISCs in 88 countries in 2021. Despite the pandemic, TISCs around the world achieved extraordinary results. Not only have new TISCs been set up, but existing TISCs have also increased the number and type of services they offer, from basic assistance in using patent databases to value-added services in the area of patent analytics, IP management and technology transfer.

WIPO resources supporting TISCs
As TISC networks expand and provide more services to local innovators, WIPO continues to support TISCs. It has developed a range of initiatives and resources to empower TISCs, including digital platforms such as WIPO INSPIRE, which provides a unique blend of information and knowledge in different areas of IP, publications such as WIPO Technology Trends (WITT) and other guides, and training sessions.

Integrating technology transfer into TISC services
With specialized resources in the area of technology transfer being added to the TISC program in 2021, WIPO’s support for TISCs has become broader, enabling them to assist local innovators and develop the complete innovation ecosystem from research to product commercialization.

Looking ahead with New Technology and Innovation Support Resources
WIPO’s support for TISCs will continue to evolve and respond to local needs. New technology and innovation support resources being developed to expand the capabilities of TISCs will help create and strengthen innovation ecosystems, motivating innovators to use IP for business growth and bringing their innovations to market.