Tantrum pending: how one father took his pacifier from patent to market – and weaned his daughter off her dummy
The pacifier is a near-universal object that was first patented more than a century ago. So, what could there be left to reinvent? A young father from Singapore may have the answer.
IP Inspires
“While I know that it is critical not to act to the detriment of the authors who labor to create the great works that enlighten and nourish our minds, hearts and souls, we must develop a protocol that allows the easy import and export of copyright materials so that people with print disabilities can join the mainstream of the literate world.”
Stevie Wonder, American singer-songwriter considered one of the most influential musicians of his time, speaking at the 2010 WIPO Assembly in his capacity as United Nations Messenger for Peace.

WIPOD – Page Points
We bring the WIPO Knowledge Center’s collection on intellectual property and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to life – in conversations with authors, editors, publishers and others.
Case Studies

IP Advantage
Case studies and stories on how intellectual property (IP) works in the real world, and how its successful exploitation can contribute to development.
Events at WIPO

Assemblies of WIPO – 2025
The 66th Series of Meetings of the Assemblies will take place in Geneva from July 8 to 17, 2025