Frequently Asked Questions on the Youth Experts Program (YEP)

The program was designed to empower young and talented individuals to develop an understanding of the technical aspects of IP and how to apply them in practice. They will use their knowledge and experience from the program to make an impact in the development of the IP, innovations and creative ecosystems of their countries and/or regions. 

If you are over the age of 35, you are welcome to apply to the other job opportunities at WIPO, including temporary and fixed term positions. Vacancies are published regularly. Before applying, please make sure you meet the basic requirements of the job as listed on our website.

If you have problems with your account, please contact the Account Issues Team or send a request including a screen shot to

Yes, we accept applications from nationals of both WIPO member and non-member states.

WIPO is an international organization that belongs to the UN system. Exchanges are primarily in English. For this Program, successful candidates need to demonstrate an excellent knowledge of written and spoken English.

The YEP is not intended as a vehicle for recruitment into WIPO, but to grow IP leaders who can then make a difference on the ground in different parts of the world. As such, and in line with the practice in similar programs, participants in the YEP will not be allowed to apply for any jobs at WIPO during their time as a YEP. Those participating will also not be allowed to work at or for WIPO in the two years following the end of their participation in the YEP. 

Young Experts are solely responsible for meeting any local taxation and social security obligations that may arise directly or indirectly from this contract.

Selections for the YEP program are run annually. A new YEP cohort will join WIPO in February 2025.

This program requires the presence of the Young Expert at the WIPO HQ in Geneva, Switzerland, so that they can fully benefit from the on-the-job learning and in-person-training.

No, WIPO does not provide accommodation for the Young Experts. However, WIPO may provide guidance on finding accommodation.

The YEP program supports visa arrangements for the selected individual. As such, WIPO does not provide visa assistance for YEP family members, and they will not be entitled to receive a Swiss legitimation card.

WIPO contributes to a health insurance coverage for YEPs. Pregnancy is therefore covered. On the other hand, the insurance does not include children.