Practical Seminar on the Madrid System

7 de octubre de 2016

You are invited to register now to attend the upcoming Practical Seminar on the Madrid System at WIPO HQ in Geneva, Switzerland, on November 24 and 25, 2016.  The Seminar will be conducted in English and offers in-depth training on the Madrid System for new and existing users.

The Seminar is a highly practical “masterclass”, focusing on Madrid System procedures, including filing, examination and registration.  Topics will be presented by WIPO experts, representatives from IP Offices and a private sector practitioner.

On average, 98% of previous attendees found that the event fully met their overall expectations, in terms of the expertise and guidance required to efficiently use the System.

Who should attend?

The Seminar is a must for users of the Madrid System looking to improve their knowledge and practical skills, and stay up-to-date on the System’s recent developments and trends. Hands-on sessions featuring real-life examples and discussion opportunities are planned.

Seminar highlights

Topics to be covered during the Seminar will include: 

  • a detailed look at how to file an international application, with practical tips on how to complete the official Form MM2, and a live demonstration of the Madrid e-Filing interface;
  • presentation and explanation of the certification process in a Contracting Party Office;
  • in-depth overviews of the examination and refusal procedures of several Designated Contracting Parties, including Q&A sessions and advice on how to avoid or overcome possible irregularities and refusals;
  • a presentation on operational and legal issues linked to managing an International Registration at the post-registration stage;
  • one-on-one discussions with WIPO examiners, upon request.

For more details, please access the Provisional Program PDF, provisional program.

Registering for the seminar

The registration fee of 600 CHF covers operational costs including materials, lunches, and morning and afternoon teas.  All participants should register on-line by November 18, 2016.  Places are limited and will be attributed on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Fees are payable via bank transfer, WIPO Current Account or credit card.

Please note that no refunds will be processed for cancellations received after Friday, November 18, 2016.

For IP Offices: Up to two officials from each IP Office may take part in the Seminar free of charge.

Bank transfer details

    • Account name: WIPO / OMPI
    • Credit Suisse, CH-1211 Geneva 70
    • IBAN: CH 5104 8350 4870 8081 000
    • Swift: CRESCHZZ80A

Organizational information

Participants (or the administrations they are representing) are responsible for organizing their own entry visa and accommodation arrangements. General information regarding accommodation in Geneva is available through the Geneva Tourism Office.


Send us an e-mail or call us: +41 22 338 7543 / 8526 / 7416

We look forward to seeing you in Geneva for this Practical Seminar on the Madrid System.