Traditional Knowledge Laws  :

Emiratos Árabes Unidos

Subject Matter
Type(s) of Legislation

Subject Matter of Protection

Article 1 - Definitions

"Derived Work" - The work that derives its origin from a previously existing work such as translations. The literary, artistic and folkloric expressions as long as they are innovated in a way of selecting and arranging their contents.

"National Folklore" Every expression of people heritage either oral, musical, dynamic, or tangible in distinct elements reflects the artistic traditional inheritance, developed or survived in the State and which cannot be attributed to an author.

Article 2 - Scope of protection

Authors of the works and the holders of the neighboring rights, shall enjoy the protection of this law in case that an aggression against their rights occurs in the State, namely in the following works:

12. Derived works without prejudice to the protection stipulated for the works been derived from. The protection includes the title of the work if innovated and the innovated theme written for a broadcasting programme.