Payment for an eHague application
Payment for an eLisbon application
Payment for Domain Name Online Services
Guidelines and payment for UPOV Online Services
You need a WIPO Account to access all WIPO online services and the WIPO IP Portal.
More information about the WIPO Account
To access WIPO Pay, you need to open a WIPO Account (user account).
A WIPO Account is a user account to access online services and applications.
The Current Account at WIPO is a financial account you can use to pay for WIPO services.
Each account requires its own credentials.
More information about the Current Account at WIPO
Before any payment, you have to file or submit a request for service to WIPO.
More information about WIPO Pay
No, you have to use Madrid WIPO Online Payment Service.
WIPO Pay can be used for PCT, eHague, eLisbon, Domain Name Disputes and UPOV Online Services.
You can search your transaction using your payment number (EPAY-xxxx-xxxx).
When you find it, select and move it into the basket by clicking on “Add to basket” at the end of the item line; then click on "Proceed to payment".
Use the basket icon in the WIPO IP Portal menu or in WIPO Pay.
Move them into the basket by clicking on “Add to basket” at the end of the item line. They have to be in the same currency and for the same type of service.
Once your basket is ready, click on "Proceed to payment".
Yes, if they are in the same currency and for the same type of service. Click on “Add to basket” at the end of the item line.
Once your basket is ready, click on "Proceed to payment".
Go back to your dashboard for the corresponding filing system, then use your filing reference to identify the transaction.
Please check your filing or application to request services. If you completed the filing or the online process, your transaction should be in the basket or in the unpaid items. For additional help, contact us.
The status of unpaid items changes to “expired” after a certain delay. If you want to pay an expired item, contact us.
Please contact us.
If you have a Current Account at WIPO, your WIPO Account (user account) must be linked to it. Please follow the procedure to link your Current Account at WIPO to your WIPO Account.
If you have no Current Account at WIPO, please visit Current Account at WIPO: Overview.
For additional help, contact us.
WIPO accepts Visa; MasterCard; Amex (CHF only); Diners; Discover; China Union Pay and Japan Credit Bureau-JCB. You can also pay using PayPal.
Since 2019, all card payments must be validated through strong, two-factor authentication.
This means use of a smartphone must be combined with a unique password, fingerprint or face ID before a payment can be made.
Your credit card issuer or/and your bank, must be contacted and informed that you wish to pay on a 3D Secure merchant site. As alternatives, you can pay using PayPal or an eWallet.
Please contact your bank or credit card issuer.
You can pay CHF (Swiss franc) fees in your domestic currency using your card’s dynamic currency conversion (DCC) feature.
The DCC provider will automatically calculate the exchange rate applied at the time of payment. Please note, however, that in the case of a refund the exchange rate may differ from that applied to the original payment.
You can find WIPO Bank details by referring to the email sent to you when the transaction settled.
For additional information, please visit Paying for IP Services.
If the currency of the service is identical to your PayPal account currency, the refund will be automatic.
If the currency of the service is different from your PayPal account currency, PayPal will send you an e-mail to authorize the receipt of funds. You must reply to PayPal to accept the refund for the funds to be credited to your PayPal account.
Please specify the WIPO Pay basket number (EPMT-xxxx-xxxx) in your bank transfer.
Refer to the email sent to you to finalize the transaction.
We might not yet have received the funds (bank transfers can take from three to ten business days to reach our account), or we might have received them with insufficient information to link your payment with the right transaction.
Please contact us and provide the necessary payment details.
You have to communicate the EPAY reference number (EPAY-xxxx-xxxx) to the third party (referring to the email sent to you) to finalize the service.
If you chose to pay your service by bank transfer and now want to pay by credit card or PayPal, return to your transaction, (if not completed), select “View”, then ”Choose Payment method” and then either “Credit/Debit card” or “PayPal” before clicking on “Continue”.
Please use the Refund form.