WIPO China: IPR Stimulates Innovative Vitality in Developing New Quality Productive Forces

30 avril 2024

To commemorate the World Intellectual Property Day, the 2024 High-level Forum on China Intellectual Property Protection, co-hosted by the WIPO Office in China and the China Intellectual Property News, opened in Beijing on April 23. Ms. Wang Binying, Deputy Director General of WIPO, delivered a written keynote address. Distinguished attendees included Mr. Shen Changyu, Commissioner of the China National Intellectual Property Administration(CNIPA); Ms. Tao Kaiyuan, Vice President of the Supreme People's Court; Mr. Shi Weizhong, permanent member at the deputy-ministerial Class of the Procuratorial Committee of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate; and Mr. Mu Peng, Vice Mayor of Beijing. Mr. Hu Wenhui, Deputy Commissioner of the CNIPA, chaired the opening ceremony. The theme of the forum was "Revolution and Sustainability: IPR advances new quality productive forces."

At the opening, Ms. Liu Hua, Director of the WIPO Office in China, delivered a speech on behalf of Ms. Wang Binying. She remarked that new innovation waves are profoundly reshaping the global innovation landscape, where technological innovation continually gives rise to new industries, models, and dynamics, and is central to the development of new quality productive forces. IPR provides solid protection for innovators, stimulating the innovative vitality necessary for developing these new forces.

In his remarks, Mr. Shen Changyu highlighted China’s strategic initiatives aimed at high-quality development through new quality productive forces. He emphasized that intellectual property, as a basic guarantee for fostering innovation, provides crucial institutional and technological support, driving the development of new quality productive forces.

​ (Photo: ZGC Forum) 阿莱曼在致辞中指出,创新是全球增长的催化剂。创新活动分布不均,主要存在于人类彼此联系更为密切的城市。尽管现代化的互联网通信技术消除了物理距离的阻隔,但面对面的沟通依然有利于思维碰撞。 阿莱曼强调,各国政府致力于打造有利于创新创造的政策环境。在这个过程中,对当地创新生态系统的认知尤为关键。因此,衡量全球创新表现不仅仅是将国家经济体作为分析单元进行考量。产权组织全球创新指数自2017年起纳入全球百强科技集群排名的内容,旨在识别世界上最具活力的科技集群。他希望政策制定者发现这项工作的价值,认识到多元的政策体系对成功培育创新集群的重要性。他还肯定了中国创新集群的蓬勃发展。 (Photo: ZGC Forum) 林新在致辞中表示,科技集群是创新要素的汇聚之地,是科技创新的引领者、新兴产业的风向标。当前,科技创新呈现出跨学科和开放合作的特征。中国政府高度重视科技创新,积极推动科技集群的发展。她对世界知识产权组织长期以来对中国创新事业的关注和支持表示感谢。 于英杰在致辞中指出,科技集群已成为引领全球经济持续增长的重要动力源。北京依托中关村这个主阵地,建设世界领先的科技园区,依托未来科学城、怀柔科学城等打造创新主平台。展望未来,北京将继续秉持合作创新理念,以全球化视野营造良好创新生态。 在主旨演讲环节,产权组织首席经济学家卡斯滕·芬克详细解读了全球百强科技集群与创新衡量机制。全球前100的科技集群集中于10个国家,其中中国拥有24个,是科技集群数量最多的国家。他具体分析并比较了深圳-香港-广州、北京、上海-苏州这三个进入全球前五大科技集群的PCT国际专利申请和科学文章发表情况,以及各自的优势技术领域,为与会嘉宾提供了有益的借鉴。 清华大学苏世民书院院长薛澜介绍了清华大学联合施普林格·自然(Springer Nature)共同发布的国际科技创新中心评估结果。从国际科技创新评价体系概念、都市圈排名、科学策源地等方面进行了介绍,为加强全球科技创新中心建设提供了方案。 (Photo: ZGC Forum) 本场平行论坛由世界知识产权组织、科学技术部、北京市人民政府主办,是2024中关村论坛的重要活动之一。论坛以“集聚科技力量,引领城市发展”为主题,聚焦科技创新前沿话题,共谋科技集群发展未来之路。论坛吸引了100多位来自国际组织和政府部门的代表以及国内外知名专家出席。 (Photo: ZGC Forum)   与中国国家知识产权局的双边会谈 阿莱曼和卡斯滕·芬克访问了中国国家知识产权局,和卢鹏起副局长就知识产权商业化、知识产权融资、技术与创新支持中心(TISC)建设和全球知识产权申请趋势等问题进行了深入交流。 在京期间,阿莱曼还受邀进行了文化参访活动。 (图: ​ WOC)

The forum featured insights from over 30 experts and representatives from intellectual property management sector, government departments, both domestic and international businesses, and agencies. Ms. Florence Rojal, Senior Legal Officer at the Lisbon Registry of WIPO, contributed a video presentation on "Geographical Indications Protection for Regional Development" during a panel discussion.