De quoi s’agit-il?

À propos de la conférence diplomatique de l’OMPI sur les ressources génétiques et les savoirs traditionnels associés.

What is the WIPO instrument on Genetic Resources and Associated TK

What’s it all about? On the WIPO Diplomatic Conference on Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge.


People around the world have always depended on genetic resources in their environment to improve their lives. Genetic resources have also been building blocks for many inventions in the life sciences. These have allowed massive population-wide gains in health, climate, and food security and talk of inventions, means the subject of patents is not too far away. In fact, negotiators from WIPO’s member states are discussing intellectual property issues related to genetic resources. Notably, they are heading into final-stage negotiations on whether patent applicants should disclose where the genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge come from when applying for a patent. This would apply to patents for an invention based on a genetic resource and associated traditional knowledge. Member states will meet to negotiate a new international legal instrument at a diplomatic conference taking place at  WIPO’s Geneva headquarters from May 13 to 24, 2024.