The Copyright Legal Framework and Licensing Practices of Audiovisual Content in the Digital Environment
Part 1: Audiovisual OTT business models in Latin America: Recent trends and future evolution” 
Part 2: The Legal Framework of the Audiovisual Sector in the Digital Environment Annex (available in Spanish) 
Part 3: The Legal Treatment of Foreign Authors of Audiovisual Works 
Part 4: Contractual Practices in the Latin American Audiovisual Sector in the Digital Environment 
Part 5: The Identification and Use of Metadata in Audiovisual Works 
Part 6: WIPO Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Methods for Audiovisual OTT Business Models 
Case Study I: Women in the Audiovisual Industry: A Panorama of Latin American Countries and Spain 
Case Study II: The Experience of a Brazilian Independent Producer with Online Distribution of Audiovisual Content 
Case Study III: Developing a Local OTT 
Case Study IV: The Clearance of Rights from the Perspective of a Brazilian Independent Producer 
Case Study V: The Role of an Aggregator in VOD Distribution in Brazil and Latin America: The Experience of Sofá Digital 
Case Study VI: Data in the Audiovisual business: Trends and Opportunities 
Case Study VII: The CINE.AR and CINE.AR Play Streaming Platforms (in Spanish) 
Study on Audiovisual Content in the Public Domain and Orphan Works (in Spanish) 