This publication contains empirical research papers on the economics of intellectual in South Africa prepared by South African researchers. The papers cover a range of different fields and sectors including an overview of IP rights and innovation in South Africa; a discussion on the role of patents in the natural products sector; an analysis of the IP strategy in the Rooibos sector; a case study on IP management at South Africa’s largest R&D spender and an analysis of the use of IP by South African publicly-financed research institutions.
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Cover, Table of Contents, Preface and Contributors [PDF]
Chapter 1
Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation in South Africa: A Framework
David Kaplan [PDF]
Chapter 2
Value Adding in the Southern African Natural Products Sector: How Much do Patents Matter?
Rachel Wynberg, Judith Silveston and Cyril Lombard [PDF]
Chapter 3
An Economic Analysis of the Evolution in Intellectual Property Strategies in the South African Agricultural Sector: The Rooibos Industry.
Cerkia Bramley, Estelle Biénabe and Johann Kirsten [PDF]
Chapter 4
The Development and Management of an Intellectual Property Strategy in a Developing Country Context: The Case of Sasol
Helena Barnard and Tracy Bromfield [PDF]
Chapter 5
Intellectual Property, Commercialization and Institutional Arrangements at South African Publicly Financed Research Institutions
McLean Sibanda [PDF]