Australia will celebrate the Day with a series of events and activities across the nation to highlight the influence of intellectual property on our everyday lives. These include:
- public seminars across Australia focusing on intellectual property education and celebration of the day itself (visit www.worldipday.gov.au for further details of the events);
- a World IP Day web page, including World IP Day event information;
- an online chat to discuss innovation, protection and commercialisation;
- promotion of World IP Day and intellectual property in various publications, TV shows and websites;
- the celebration by IP Australia staff of World IP Day with an internal event and exciting quizzes throughout the day.
More information about the activities and events occurring in Australia can be found at www.worldipday.gov.au.
Azerbaijan - State Agency for Copyright
The State Agency for Copyright organized the following activities:
- a round table on the theme, "Encouraging Creativity," jointly with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, at the International Information Center (April 23);
- a round table on the theme, "Prospects of cooperation in the field of protection of IPRs, jointly with the Ombudsman of the Republic (April 20);"
- a formal presentation to authors and other rights holders of certificates attesting their rights (April 23);
- award of honorary certificates to persons who made creative contributions to the development of copyright and related rights (April 23);
- translation of the message of WIPO's Director General into the national language;
- the issue of press releases to the mass media (April 26), and explanatory coverage during the whole of April;
- a video recording of the Agency's activities for the Day (April 26);
- a final event with the participation of State bodies, public organizations, and personalities well-known in the fields of science, culture and the arts (April 23);
- preparation and presentation of information on the events held to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to WIPO (April 28).
The Directorate of Industrial Property celebrated the Day as follows:
- publication of a series of articles, from April 24, on different fields of IP in national newspapers;
- participation in a national radio program, on April 25, on the subject of buying original or counterfeit goods, with a view to educating the public about the presence of IP in their everday lives;
- under the leadership of the Minister of Industry and Commerce, on April 26, distribution to the public of brochures and souvenir gifts commemorating the Day in the Seef Mall, as well as answering their questions.
The Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office (CAIPO) will celebrate the Day by holding an Open Day at its Belmont Road office. CAIPO aims at increasing public understanding of the meaning of intellectual property and at raising awareness of its impact on everyday life. In keeping with this year's theme, CAIPO will show the link between creativity and intellectual property.
The National Center of Intellectual Property has organized the following activities:
- an annual students' intellectual property contest, launched in January, for graduates and students of higher educational institutions, with a view to identifying human resources in IP;
- contests for outstanding inventive activity and for IP management, seeking competitors from higher educational institutions and organizations in the scientific, engineering and design fields;
- a regional seminar on the theme, "Intellectual Property and Competitiveness in Production," in Gomel (April 24);
- a seminar on "Economic Aspects of Intellectual Property and Innovative Development," held at the National Center with the participation of the Russian Federal IP service (April 25);
- a conference on patent information at Minsk, with the cooperation of the Republican Scientific and Technical Library (April 26);
- coverage of World IP Day and of the National Center's contacts with the Director General of WIPO and with WIPO staff, in the Center's magazine, "Intellectual Property in Belarus";
- access to the English-language version of the Center's Internet site.
Belgium - European Writers' Congress
The European Writers' Congress is running an Authors' Rights Awareness Campaign in Europe, with the slogan "Texts Don't Grow on Trees."
Visit the site: www.european-writers-congress.org.
Bulgaria - BPO
The Bulgarian Patent Office (BPO) will celebrate the Day as follows:
- On the occasion of the Day on April 26, the BPO will organize, in cooperation with the European Patent Academy, a seminar on the theme, "Innovations - A Key Factor for the Competitiveness and Success of Enterprises." This is the start of the Industrial Property Information Campaign of the Patent Office, and the event is addressed to Bulgarian industry, mainly to the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The seminar will give the participants basic information on IPRs and practical knowledge and understanding of why and how to use the industrial property protection system in the innovation process;
- As a part of the celebration, an award ceremony will take place, in which the names of distinguished inventors will be entered in the Golden Book of the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria;
- The message of the Director General of WIPO will be published on the BPO website, as well as in the INSO magazine;
- Information on World Intellectual Property Day will be distributed to the mass media, emphasizing the importance of intellectual property protection.
Bulgaria - IP Bulgaria
IP Bulgaria, the national portal for intellectual property on the web, will celebrate the Day as follows:
- over three weeks, beginning on April 1, materials on the history, aims and worldwide activities for the Day will be published;
- IP Bulgaria will be presenting diplomas, for the very first time, in a special ceremony for national achievements in intellectual property, which will be held on April 26;
- the message of the Director General of WIPO will be published;
- an online forum will be set up on the theme "Encouraging Creativity" for the expression of views on the role of creativity in everyday life;
- activities organized by others throughout Bulgaria to celebrate the Day will be covered by IP Bulgaria (www.ipbulgaria.com).
The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), in collaboration with the Canada Business Network, is organizing events to highlight the importance of creativity and innovation in daily life. These include:
- distribution for publication of articles on awareness of intellectual property to community and daily newspapers across Canada with a potential readership of two million;
- the provision of an IP Day website giving quick access to fact sheets, brochures, poster and web button, articles and forum, and a link to additional partners and sources;
- a commemorative celebration in the lobby of CIPO headquarters to thank its employees and partners;
- promotion of the Day and the encouragement of its celebration amongst partners and networks throughout the country.
The following are among the activities organized, preceding, during and after the Day:
- the destruction of large numbers of pirated and otherwise illegal products throughout the country, in order to discourage piracy and counterfeiting;
- coordinated events in 31 provinces and regions, such as Beijing, Guangdong, Tianjin and Guangxi;
- a Summit Forum on China's IPR protection through 2007, in Beijing, for the benefit of senior officials and scholars in the field of IP, including representatives of international organizations (April 24);
- the fourth IPR Protection Publicity Week, to raise awareness of the need for IPRs (the week running up to April 26);
- events organized by the cooperation of 18 ministries, including a forum on IPR protection in the information industry and seminars with Chinese and foreign participants;
- an IPR protection essay contest, an online survey on IPR protection to solicit public opinion and a quizz between staff at centres which report and handle complaints about infringements.
Costa Rica
A fair on intellectual property took place in the Plaza de la Cultura, in the heart of the capital, San José on April 26. Some 13 organizations participated, including three public universities, PROINNOVA, the Asociación Costarricense de Autores Musicales, the Business Software Alliance, the Cámara Costarricense de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación and the Alianza de Propiedad Intelectual, as well as artists, performers, food producers with recognized marks or seeking appellations of origin, national inventors and in general users of the intellectual property system.
The Colegio de Abogados de Costa Rica and the Business Software Alliance had also convened a Round Table on the theme, "Intellectual property: a motor for development."
There were also presentations of products, inventions and services and a jazz concert.
These events were inaugurated by the First Vice President and the Minister of Justice, were given ample coverage by the press, and were well attended by the public.
Côte d'Ivoire
The Intellectual Property Office (Office Ivoirien de la Propriété Intellectuelle - OIPI), collaborating with the Ministries of Culture and French Language and of Higher Education and Scientific Research, will celebrate the Day with the following activities:
- appearance on national television, in the program "invité du dimanche magazine," of the Director General of OIPI, the Director of Legal Affairs and Education, and the Director of the Valorization of Research and Technical Information (April 22);
- opening of an exhibition on the results of research, invention, innovation and creative works of students of the National Institute of Arts and Cultural Action, and on the subject of the works covered by intellectual property law (April 24);
- guided visits for the Ministers of Industry and Promotion of the Private Sector of Culture and French Language, and of Higher Education and Scientific Research, at three institutions using intellectual property systems (April 25);
- a televised debate with film of different aspects of intellectual property on the program "Ça m'intéresse" (April 25);
- a message from the Government on the occasion of the Day (April 25);
- an official ceremony jointly presided over by the three above-mentioned Ministers (April 26);
- publication of the list of inventions selected for the exhibition at the African Salon of Invention and Technical Innovation (April 26).
The State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) organized the following activities to celebrate the Day:
- a press conference, attended by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Inspectorate, the Customs Administration, the High Commercial Court, collective management societies and other associations for rights holders and various professional bodies in the field of IP, in which promotional activities were announced, the message of WIPO’s Director General was read out and the Director General of SIPO’s address was given and broadcast;
- the broadcast of a WIPO promotional video about the Day, adapted and translated into the national language, on Croatian Television, as well as the broadcast of another video, on piracy, made by SIPO and the Croatian branches of the International Association for the Protection of Audiovisual Works and the International Business Software Alliance;
- seminars on international protection systems held in Zagreb, in cooperation with WIPO, with the seminar on the PCT system being held from April 17-18, the one on the Madrid system on March 19, and the one on the Hague system on April 20, the participants being Croatian and WIPO experts and representatives from the relevant fields, such as legal, academic and commercial professionals.
The Cuban Industrial Property Office celebrated the Day in the following ways:
- interaction with the specialized Cuban press (eight bodies representing the written and digital press and radio) to make known the activities organized to celebrate the Day;
- despatch to the representatives of the Office in all the provinces of a summary of the events organized, for diffusion on all the local and territorial media;
- a seminar (Seminario Internacional MARCAS-2007) in Havana with the participation of some 160 delegates from 6 countries, including Cuba, and two representatives from WIPO;
- distribution of souvenir material printed by WIPO to the participants of the seminar;
- a showing of the message sent by WIPO on CD, at the initial sessions of the seminar;
- a ceremony for the award of the WIPO Gold Medal for two Cuban inventions and of a trophy to a Cuban enterprise in the commercial and entrepreneurial sector (Havana, Memorial José Martí, April 25);
- various local initiatives for celebrations in all the provinces;
- numerous summaries of activities in the written and digital press.
Czech Republic
The Industrial Property Office is planning to celebrate the Day as follows:
- an Open Day at the Industrial Property Office;
- a press conference to promote the Day;
- lectures on the subjects of changes in the PCT, changes in the IPC Classification and "EPC 2000."
Czech Republic - Ministry of Culture
The Ministry of Culture organized a seminar on April 26 on the theme, "Copyright for Beginners," intended for the general public.
The Ministry also published the message of the Director General of WIPO on its websites, as well as the WIPO poster and information about the Day.
To celebrate the Day, the Patent and Trademark Office will be holding a Conference on April 26 on the theme "Intellectual Property - the force for future businesses," at the Tycho Brahe Planetarium in Copenhagen, to be followed by a dinner event.
The Conference will be exploring the expertise in intellectual property needed by businesses in the future to fully realize their potential and succeed. Speakers will include the in-coming President of the EPO, as well as experts from Switzerland, Denmark and the U.S.A. Further information can be found at: www.dkpto.dk.
Dominican Republic
To celebrate the Day, the Chamber of Commerce and Productivity of San José de Ocoa has organized three conferences for the month of April.
The Day will be celebrated in the week April 23-27 by the Ethiopian Intellectual Property Office (EIPO) in the following ways:
- an exhibition displaying examples of protected works, relevant posters and statistics on the status of intellectual property in the country;
- a one-day seminar on April 23 at the Parliament building, in collaboration with the House of Peoples' Representatives, the Ethiopian Inventors Association and the Ethiopian Audio-visual Publishers Society, on the theme, "The Need for National Intellectual Property Policy and Integration of Intellectual Property into the National Socio-Economic Plan," for which the intellectual property audit report commissioned by WIPO for Ethiopia will be made available;
- the opening to visitors of the offices of the EIPO, the Ethiopian Inventors Association and the Ethiopian Audio-visual Publishers Society from April 23-27, facilitating the distribution of information on their activities and on intellectual property;
- the distribution to the media of a statement marking the Day and emphasizing the importance of intellectual property protection.
The Estonian Patent Office will celebrate the Day on April 26 by holding, at the Conference Center of the City Hotel Portus in Tallinn, a seminar on the theme, "Legal Protection of Small-sized Enterprises' Products."
The participants are expected to be owners of small-sized enterprises, inventors, aspiring entrepreneurs, students and any others who are interested. Attendance will be free of charge, and participants will receive a related information package which includes new materials of the Office on methodology.
The speakers will be experts in their fields, and will cover subjects such as the use of patent information, the distribution of sources of information on industrial property, the rights conferred by patents and licenses, enterprises as owners of copyright and related rights and the protection of trademarks and industrial designs. The program of the seminar can be found on the web page: http://www.epa.ee/default.asp?wa_site_id=2.
An Innovation Parliament will be organized in Finland for the first time, to be convened for April 25 and 26. The theme of the Parliament is "Innovaatio ylittää rajat - Innovation Crossing Borders". Invitations to the Parliament have been sent to 200 persons actively involved in this field from both Finland and Russia. The National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland is participating in its organization.
The Parliament's work will be divided into ten different working groups, in which new initiatives will be taken to strengthen Finland's competitiveness. The Parliament will have two plenary sessions, which will make recommendations for decision. The venue will be in Eastern Finland, in Lappeenranta, which shares a common border with Russia. The event will be hosted by the City of Lappeenranta, Lappeenranta Technical University, and Lappeenranta Innovation Oy, together with the primary organisers of the event, the National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland and Suomalaisten Keksijöiden Tukiyhdistys (Support Association for Finnish Inventors) and Headline Oy, which is responsible for the practical arrangements.
Further information can be found on the website of the National Board of Patents and Registration: http://www.prh.fi/en.html and of the City of Lappeenranta: http://www.lappeenranta.fi/?deptid=10973 Yst. terv. / Med vänliga hälsningar /
Germany - German Federation of Industries (BDI)
The BDI celebrated the Day by organizing a public event in Berlin on the theme, "Create Values - Save Values." The Federal Minister of Justice and a member of the Executive Board of the BDI gave keynote addresses on the importance of intellectual property. Representatives of industry and of the creative sector described the process of turning creativity into a real creation, and in this context panelists discussed the importance of efficient protection of intellectual property, and how this could be improved.
A drama group gave a short performance. At the end, a prize was awarded for the best achievement in protecting intellectual property.
Greece - Hellenic Copyright Organization
The Day will be observed by the Hellenic Copyright Organization (OPI) as follows:
- presentations of the OPI and the collecting societies;
- a photographic exhibition;
- a theatrical play for children about copyright;
- concerts of Greek music and jazz;
- speeches on copyright, patents and trademarks;
- publication of newspaper and magazine articles on copyright issues;
- television and radio broadcasts about the Day on April 25 and 26.
Greece - Industrial Property Organisation (OBI)
The Industrial Property Organization will celebrate the Day by promoting the theme of encouraging creativity in the following ways:
- an Open Day on its premises (April 26);
- a children's educational program and creativity competition (April 26);
- participation in a related exhibition (April 25 and 26);
- participation in a program of speeches on patents and designs (April 25 and 26);
- contributions about the Day on the media and on its website;
- a special brochure for the Day;
- publication and distribution of a special poster for the Day.
The Instituto de la Propiedad, through the Dirección General de Propiedad Intelectual (DIGEPIH), which is the Intellectual Property Office of Honduras, organized a cycle of lectures on IP to celebrate the Day, as follows:
- at San Pedro Sula, lectures explaining the substance of intellectual property and its history as well as law enforcement against infringers, in the presence of some 200 persons including representatives of Government, the courts, and legal offices in the city (April 23);
- at the Universidad Metropolitana de Honduras, Tegucigalpa, lectures on patents, marks and copyright, with an audience of 300 (April 24);
- at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Tegucigalpa, lectures on patents, marks and copyright, with an audience of 300, including students in subjects related to IP (April 25);
- at the Hotel Clarion in Tegucigalpa, final lectures attended by 300 persons, including the Vice President of Honduras, the Diplomatic Corps and personalities active in the legal field (such as in the courts and in law firms) as well as in communications and in Government (April 26).
The week was closed by a football championship played between ten teams of the Instituto de la Propiedad competing for first place in the Campeonato Relámpago del Día Mundial de Propiedad Intelectual (April 27).
Hong Kong - SAR China
The Intellectual Property Department has organized the following activities to celebrate the Day:
- the publication of two newspaper supplements on April 26, with this year's message, "Encouraging Creativity";
- launch of the School Tour Program 2007, with a ceremony, and with the support of a famous local singer and of young pop singers using the themes "Respect Originality," "Respect IP," and "Say No to Illegal Downloading," as well as with experience-sharing between professionals from the creative industries and students - a program lasting until the end of the year and involving the participation of 50 secondary schools.
India - Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA), Indian Group
To celebrate the Day, the Indian Group of the APAA will be organizing a seminar on the theme, "Encouraging Creativity," to be held on April 26 in New Delhi.
The chief guest will be a serving judge of the Supreme Court of India. Other guests and speakers will include representatives of the judiciary, of the Government, of the Police, and of industries such as electronic media, film, music and fashion. The subjects they will speak on cover IPRs in present-day India and in the future, the protection of indigenous knowledge and agricultural products, the broadcasters' perspective on copyright, the protection of fashion and design in the present and future, and the role of the Delhi Police in the protection of IPRs.
The APAA Indian Group will also issue a newsletter for distribution to all participants and speakers, and also ensure press coverage.
India - Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), with its headquarters in Delhi, will celebrate the Day through its National Committee, by reaching out to all its members on the Day: it will disseminate promotional news messages and inspirational letters, acknowledging the role of IPRs in day-to-day life. CII's Andhra Pradesh Technology Development & Promotion Centre will be exhibiting its IPR protection initiatives at the Regional IPR Office at Chennai.
India - Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)
To celebrate the Day, the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), in collaboration with WIPO, will launch an anti-piracy campaign from April 20-26. A national seminar will be held on that subject with the participation of WIPO officials.
The campaign will be launched under FICCI's National Initiative Against Piracy and Counterfeiting (NIAPC), which raises awareness of piracy and works with local organizations to strengthen intellectual property. Activities will include the release of advertisements by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion through the Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity, and the broadcast on national and regional television of short spots, as well as of jingles on radio.
India - Firm "Intellectual Property Lab"
This firm of patent and trademark attorneys, based in Lucknow, marked the Day by sending proposals to the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Indian Industries Association and the Uttar Pradesh Exports Promotion Bureau, offering free advice to their members.
India - Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI)
To celebrate the Day, the GCCI will be hosting at its premises in Ahmedabad, on April 26, a seminar on "Intellectual Property for Small and Medium Enterprises." The seminar is intended to help such enterprises to understand protection for their creations, to profit from them and to avoid violating the IP rights of others. It is open to a maximum of 100 participants by registration. Speakers will be experts in the fields outlined below.
The seminar will consist of:
- an inaugural session, with a keynote address from the National Innovation Foundation;
- a technical session on themes of understanding the IP regime and of a creative knowledge economy;
- a technical session on the industry institute perspective in IP creation and management;
- and a final technical session on the exploitation, management and enforcement of IPRs.
The website of the GCCI is: www.gujaratchamber.org.
The Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights (DGIPR) will be organizing a seminar on the theme, "The Madrid Protocol for the International Registration of Marks - the Benefits and Challenges for Indonesia," to be held on April 24 in Jakarta. Speakers will be covering subjects such as:
- the importance of marks to international trade and their effective international protection;
- the international registration of marks under the Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol - latest developments and advantages for developing countries.
Ireland - Law firm William Fry
In honour of the Day, the law firm William Fry, for the third year in succession, will be hosting an industry lunch briefing at its premises in Dublin from 12.30 - 2 p.m. The theme of the briefing is, "Corporate Branding, The Good, the Bad and The Ugly," with guest speaker Mark Mortell, Head of Fleishman-Hillard Consulting in Ireland. Carol Plunkett and David Cullen of the law firm will be discussing legal intellectual property aspects of corporate branding.
William Fry will also be covering the Day on its website and in the current quarterly IP publication entitled "IDEA," which is available on the website: www.williamfry.ie.
The Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM), in the context of the cooperation agreements with the Office for Harmonisation of the Internal Market (OHIM), will be organizing an international seminar on the theme, "Community Trademarks and Design: Protection and Defence Strategies." The seminar will take place in Venice, at the Palazzo Ducale, on April 27.
The event is supported by the Institute for Industrial Promotion (IPI), and has the patronage of the City of Venice and of the Superintendance for the Environmental, Architectural and Scenic Heritage of Venice.
The seminar will include an analysis of Community rights in the fields of trademarks and designs, and also cover policy enforcement and practical measures against counterfeiting, with the support of cross-border cooperation agreements.
Participation is free of charge and open to the public upon registration. Simultaneous translation is available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. Further information can be obtained at: Seminariovenezia@ipi.it. Tel: +39 06 80972480/405, Fax: +39 06 80972409/443.
The Jamaica Intellectual Property Office (JIPO) has organized a week of activities, from April 23-27, 2007, on the theme "Encouraging Creativity." These include the issue of a supplement in the Jamaica Gleaner Newspaper to raise awareness of the work of the Office and of various aspects of intellectual property. In order to appeal to a younger readership, JIPO will be using extracts from comic strips depicting patents, copyrights and trademarks, published jointly by WIPO and INDECOPI.
Kenya - Uranga Entity Institute (UEI)
The UEI, an independent public policy research project based in Nairobi, celebrated the Day with the following activities:
- a press release launching a National Innovation Week;
- an essay competition for secondary school students, on the theme of how innovation and creativity will improve the Kenyan economy, for which prizes were offered;
- a memorandum on the draft national policy on traditional medicine and medicinal plants, presented to the three Ministries of Planning and National Development, Health, and Trade and Industry;
- the launch of a book project on "Intellectual Property and the Information Society;"
- distribution of booklets on intellectual property;
- publication of an article in a business news magazine on trademarks and the fashion industry in Kenya.
To celebrate the Day, the Committee for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights of the Kuwait Bar Association (KBA) will organize the following activities:
- publication and distribution of posters and brochures in key public venues on April 25;
- a television broadcast for the occasion on April 25;
- a ceremony of awards for national inventors and innovators and for young short story writers on May 1, under the auspices of the Kuwaiti Office for the Protection of Inventors, Ministry of Education.
The Patent and Technology Library of the Patent Office will be organizing an Open Day on April 26, including presentations on the Library's collections and services, free services to users and the opening of an exhibition on the theme, "Industrial Property: Who Benefits from It?" The program will also include a presentation on the databases of industrial property protection in Latvia (1920-40), on the history of Latvian industry, and on the searching of databases.
The Patent Office will also organize a round table discussion on "Industrial Property: For or Against," with representatives from Latvian industry, business, innovation and technology centers, and from parks and associations.
The Latvian Patent Office will be presenting a Latvian translation of a WIPO publication, "Learn from the Past, Create the Future: Inventions and Patents," to Latvian schools, as well as arranging consultations for visitors.
Information on the Day will be sent to the National News Agency LETA, to the Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Justice and to the Library Division of the Ministry of Culture. It will also appear on the websites of the Patent Office and the Patent and Technology Library.
The Day will be celebrated as follows:
- April 25 - an "Open Day" at the State Patent Bureau, to which all who are interested in industrial property are invited;
- April 26 - a commemoration of the Day at the Lithuanian National Drama Theatre, organized by associations of collective administration of copyrights and related rights (LATGA-A and AGATA), the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Justice and the State Patent Bureau;
- April 26 - a seminar on industrial property protection, at the Lithuanian Technical Library, organized by that Library and the State Patent Bureau.
The Government of Mexico, together with the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), celebrated the Day as follows:
- a multimedia animation of about 25 seconds on the website www.impi.gob.mx which appears automatically whenever the site is entered;
- an informative video about the importance of IP, including IMPI’s message, of about six minutes, transmitted by satellite to educational television (edusat), operating with the support of the Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes y Telecomunicaciones de Mexico, counting on over 35,000 receivers in the Mexican educational system, and with the distribution of 1,000 copies of the video in various countries of the continent;
- the inclusion of the above-mentioned video on the IMPI website and its distribution to various centers of research and development and to universities for use.
Mexico - Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada
To celebrate the Day, the Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), will be organizing a conference in Ensenada, Baja California, at its Salon de Usos Múltiples. The themes and main speakers of the conference will be:
- a welcome speech by a Director of CICESE;
- a video showing a message from the Director General of the Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI)
- a talk on the importance of intellectual property and technological management in professional matters, by an expert from the University of Guadalajara;
- a talk on the value chain of intangibles, by an expert of CICESE.
There will be question and answer sessions and an open panel discussion. Further information can be found on the site: http://innovacion.cicese.mx/PI/.
Morocco - Bureau Marocain du droit d’auteur (BMDA)
The Moroccan Copyright Office (known as the BMDA) organized a program to promote public awareness of intellectual property, of the principle of protecting copyright and related rights and of the role of intellectual property in everyday life. Activities included:
- radio and television broadcasts, with the participation of the Director General of BMDA on the television news;
- the reporting of the message of the Director General of WIPO by the Agence maghreb arabe presse (MAP);
- presentations on copyright and related rights, in collaboration with the Département de l’éducation nationale, to promote awareness amongst students, particularly those whose studies are connected with literary and artistic works, of the need to respect intellectual property;
- a national seminar in Rabat (April 23 and 24) on the theme of the enforcement of copyright and related rights, in collaboration with WIPO, the Ministry of Communication and the Ministry of Justice;
- an exhibition of posters of the BMDA in the hall of the Central Administration of the BMDA and at the headquarters of the Institut supérieur de la magistrature, to show the nature of protected works and to alert the public to the danger represented by counterfeiting and piracy.
To celebrate the Day, a reception will be held by the organizers of the Dutch IP website, Boek9, on April 26, on the premises of Klos Morel Vos & Schaap in Amsterdam. All those involved in the field of intellectual property are invited. Further information can be found at: www.boek9.nl.
New Zealand - Baldwins Intellectual Property Firm
To mark the Day, Baldwins will be holding an event on April 26 in the Stamford Plaza Hotel, Auckland, consisting of presentations and a cocktail. In a chaired panel discussion, three of the firm's successful clients will be presenting their entrepreneurial expertise and use of the intellectual property system, in fields as diverse as conveyors and baggage handling, food industries and adventure sport innovations.
Some 250 creators, entrepreneurs and business people are expected to attend.
To celebrate the Day, the Intellectual Property Office organized two seminars on intellectual property and published an appropriate edition of its electronic review.
The Norwegian Patent Office will celebrate the Day by holding a seminar for the business sector, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises. The focus will be on the use of patent, trademark and design rights to protect immaterial assets, and there will be discussion on the planned Norwegian membership in the European Patent Organisation.
Program issues will include:
- Why should companies pay special attention to industrial property rights?
- How is the Norwegian government planning to raise interest in industrial property rights?
- How will Norwegian membership in the European Patent Organisation affect Norwegian trade and industry?
- What do industrial property rights signify for the companies Tandberg and Arm Norway - and how do they integrate IPRs in their innovation processes?
The program for the seminar can be found on the web page: www.patentstyret.no.
Pakistan - Pakistan Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights Association (PIPRA)
The Pakistan Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights Association (PIPRA), in collaboration with the governmental Intellectual Property Organization (IPO), will be celebrating the Day in the Sheraton Hotel, Karachi on April 26, with a seminar on this year's theme of encouraging creativity.
Stakeholders in intellectual property, including those involved in business and industry, as well as staff of the IPO and intellectual property lawyers, are expected to participate in this event.
To celebrate the Day, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, through the Direccón General del Registro de la Propiedad Industrial (DIGERPI) and with the assistance of WIPO, organized a Competition for National Inventors, Panama 2007 (Concurso de Inventores Nacionales, Panamá 2007), in Panama City from April 26-29. Awards such as the WIPO Gold Medal, a certificate and a cash prize will be given on the occasion.
On April 26, in the city of Encarnación, there will be a launch of publications produced jointly by WIPO and INDECOPI (Peru). There will also be a workshop in a school, concerning the recognition and the importance of intellectual property in its different aspects, in which reference will be made to World Intellectual Property Day.
Paraguay - Ministry of Industry and Commerce
The Directorate of Intellectual Property, together with other Departments such as the Department of Copyright and Related Rights, will celebrate the Day with festivities and a seminar. Those invited will be all lawyers, solicitors and public servants who come under the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
The Day will be celebrated by the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IP Philippines) on the theme "Encouraging Creativity" as follows:
- two-day workshops from 25-26 April for the children of IP Philippines' personnel aged five and above, featuring artistic creation such as sketching and handwork;
- an art exhibition showing the works of a well-known Filipino artist, followed by a basic orientation seminar conducted by IP Philippines for visual artists on copyrights, all to be held at the Alab Art Space, the first art space in an IP Office in the ASEAN region;
- publication of a three-page supplement in the national press, featuring an advertisement highlighting this year's theme, and a story with a focus on the programs of IP Philippines which encourage creativity, especially amongst scientists, entrepreneurs and artists;
- dissemination of press releases to various types of national and international media about the celebration of the Day.
The Polish Patent Office, in cooperation with WIPO, the Polish Industrial Design Institute, Academies of Art, the Society of Industrial Designers and the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, is organizing for April 26 a conference on the theme of Industrial Design as a National Brand, in Warsaw. It will be under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Economy.
Additionally, two exhibitions presenting outstanding achievements of Polish designers will be open to the public. Key issues presented during the conference will be different aspects of effective protection of designers' intellectual rights. A senior official from WIPO will deliver a presentation about worldwide activities and the policy of his Organization.
Conference presentations will include subjects such as industrial design as a creative process, the role of the Patent Office in increasing economic competitiveness, the role of WIPO in intellectual property rights promotion, the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development as an institution supporting innovations, design as art and national heritage, legal protection of industrial designs, the market value of design, present-day Polish industrial design, the Industrial Design Center in the Swietokrzyskie district - a new initiative, the improvement of competitiveness of local businesses, intellectual property rights in the context of improving the marketability of technology and the promotion of Polish products.
The Day was celebrated in the following ways:
- A theatre performance was held on April 26 at the Aula Magna of Lisbon University, where teenage students performed in seven comic sketches about IP protection and the fight against counterfeiting (estimated audience around 1,000 students from all over the country). The event was hosted by a famous entertainer. The recording of this event will be the basis of an awareness campaign, and will be shown in high schools in the country;
- A meeting was held at the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) between the national bodies involved in the fight against counterfeiting - such as the Customs Service, the Economic Police and the Tax authorities - to discuss coordinated strategies and measures to make the combat more effective.
Romania - The State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (OSIM)
The Day will be celebrated by OSIM as follows:
- a press conference given by OSIM on April 26, to be covered by all the media, on its latest achievements and projects;
- publication of the message of the Director General of WIPO on the websites of OSIM and of all important Romanian institutions involved in intellectual property;
- the release of a book in its lecture hall - entitled "The Patent Right" - with the participation of the Deputy Director General and Director of the Patents Directorate of OSIM;
- introductory speeches by the Directors General of OSIM and of the Copyright Office;
- round tables and seminars organized for April 26 by regional centres for the promotion and protection of intellectual property, with the participation of representatives of the private sector.
Romania - The Romanian Copyright Office (RCO)
World Intellectual Property Day was celebrated by the Romanian Copyright Office as follows:
- a large-scale meeting, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, at which speakers were from OSIM and RCO, from collective management societies and from NGOs active in the anti-piracy field, and which had considerable media presence and coverage;
- at the above-mentioned meeting, the reading of the message of the Director General of WIPO by the Deputy Director General of RCO, and the presentation of diplomas to persons with distinguished accomplishments in the field of IP;
- a poster competition based on the Day, with an exhibition of posters at the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs;
- an essay competition on IP-related subjects, with three winners to be published in the Romanian Magazine of Intellectual Property Rights;
- the launch of a book, "Moral Copyright," with an introduction by the Deputy Director General of RCO;
- use of the Day to launch an anti-piracy awareness campaign, with the broadcast of a television spot, which will be seen on the major television channels;
- public destruction of over 80,000 pirated audio-visual products (May 4).
Russian Federation
To celebrate World Intellectual Property Day, the following activities have been planned in the Russian Federation:
- the use of the Day as a starting point for regional seminars and conferences on intellectual property issues throughout the country, with the purpose of highlighting the role of intellectual property as a powerful tool for creativity, economic development and wealth creation;
- a ceremonial meeting on April 26 to improve public creativity and understanding of the role of intellectual property in the modern world;
- publication of the messages of the Director General of WIPO, of the President of the Russian Federation and of the Director General of ROSPATENT in the magazines "Intellectual Property" and "Patents and Licenses," as well as their posting on the ROSPATENT website;
- a considerable program organized by the Russian State Educational Institute of Intellectual Property (RGIIS) including conferences, research competitions for students, a round table and a joint seminar with WIPO and IFRRO.
To celebrate the Day, the Acting Registrar-General published a message, as well as the message of the Director General of WIPO, in the national newspaper, and the Seychelles Authors’ and Composers’ Society (SACS) disseminated posters and brochures on the promotion of creativity, through various bodies including the national media.
The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) will be celebrating the Day with activities including the following:
- launch of a new educational brochure for students, in collaboration with the MPA;
- a workshop (April 17 and 18) on the recent and forthcoming amendments in the Trade Marks laws and rules;
- a cinema marathon (April 21) in the context of the HIP Alliance's "'Say No to Piracy" campaign, giving the public the opportunity to see some new releases before they reach the theatres, to be announced on the radio station Power 98 and in the Straits Times;
- a seminar (April 25) organized by IPOS, most particularly for teachers, on the basics of copyright, the provisions relevant for educational institutions and the copyright issues affecting teaching materials, their dissemination and their use by students.
Slovak Republic - Industrial Property Office
On the Day, the 7th Annual Conference on Industrial Property will be held at the Banska Bystrica Office (see the site www.upv.sk for further information), with the aim of offering to students, partners, clients and members of the public active in the field and to Office staff, a comprehensive presentation of current theoretical knowledge and practical experience in various fields of both copyright and industrial property.
On the same day, the Office, not normally open to the public, will hold an Open Day for those interested in industrial property, particularly students and teachers, who will be able to learn about industrial property protection, as well as visit the patent archive, reading room, and offices where search is carried out.
The Spanish Ministry of Culture will celebrate the Day as follows:
- a declaration by the Ministry (April 26);
- the creation of a web page on the Ministry's website (April 26);
- the publication and dissemination of an electronic newsletter about piracy (April 26);
- the intensification of a campaign to raise awareness on the theme, "Defend Your Culture Against Piracy" ("Contra la pirateria, defiende tu cultura"), by diffusion of the messages of the campaign on television, radio, in the press and on the internet (April 23-29);
- the use of banners carrying the slogan "Contra la pirateria, difiende tu cultura" in one of Madrid's busiest shopping streets (April 18-30) and on the façade of the Ministry (April 26-30).
Spain - Región de Murcia, Registro Territorial de la Propiedad Intelectual
A program entitled "Debates on Intellectual Property," will be held in Murcia on April 25 and 26. The first day will be devoted to the theme, "The intellectual property of the craftsman," and the second to "The book and copyright." Among the speakers and participants will be intellectual property experts from WIPO and from Libraries and Archives, as well as from the Registro Territorial de la Propiedad Intelectual of the region.
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
The Commerce and Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) celebrated the Day with the following activities:
- the broadcast of a radio program on trademarks rights (April 22);
- an art exhibition of works by primary and secondary school students on the CIPO premises (April 23-27);
- a workshop and open day hosted by CIPO for junior public servants (April 26);
- an exhibition of trademarks owned by nationals of the country, and of arts and crafts, as well as the distribution of IP brochures, at Halifax Street, Kingstown (April 27);
- publication of the message of WIPO's Director General in the local newspapers.
To celebrate the Day, the national television channel broadcast, on April 24 at 8 p.m., an information program about the celebration and about the nature of intellectual property. The substantive information given included explanations of the different kinds of IP, international aspects of registration systems and the importance of IP.
The program was intended for students, inventors and industry.
The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) of Suriname is to mark World Intellectual Property Day with the following activities:
- the publication of articles in newspapers;
- presentations to be made by IPO staff at their Office on several fields of intellectual property.
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - Ministry of Culture
The activities of the Ministry to celebrate the Day on April 26 were as follows:
- publication of the message of WIPO's Director General on the Ministry's website and its dissemination to the press;
- promotion of its website, with special coverage of copyright, at: www.copyright.gov.mk;
- a press conference, in cooperation with the Sector for Copyright and Related Rights, emphasizing the importance of IP protection and presenting the Ministry's achievements and future activities in the field of copyright and related rights.
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - The State Office of Industrial Property
The State Office of Industrial Property will celebrate World Intellectual Property Day as follows:
- a round table will be held on April 26, with participants drawn from people active in the field of IPRs;
- translation and publication of the message from WIPO's Director General;
- announcements of all events will be published in the media - radio, television, the daily press, the web sites of the Macedonian Information Agency (MIA) www.mia.com.mk and of the State Office of Industrial Property: www.ippo.gov.mk.
Trinidad and Tobago
The Intellectual Property Office organized the following program of activities to celebrate the Day:
- the launch of an intellectual property mascot, to be used in the broadcast of IP-related messages at open air events;
- the launch of an IP clinic in the sister island of Tobago, where students, designers, inventors and other creators, as well as policy makers and the general public, can engage in one-to-one communication with intellectual property officers;
- the development of a video featuring children of the country;
- presentations through April on intellectual property themes, for the staff of the Intellectual Property Office;
- small IP exhibitions at the Library of the University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus, the Carnegie Library in San Fernando and another in the island of Tobago;
- radio and television programs and articles in the press, in keeping with the general aim to educate the public and to raise their awareness in IP matters.
Istanbul Bilgi University hosted the opening ceremony of the recently established Intellectual Property Law Research Center (BILFIM) on April 26. A panel was set up to mark the opening of the Center and World Intellectual Property Day. The subject of the panel's speakers was, "Using Intellectual and Artistic Works on the Internet and Mobile Platforms." Lawyers representing various collecting societies and mobile phone operators spoke about their experiences in the field.
The same evening, the Phonogram Producers' Collecting Society (MU-YAP) held an award ceremony for the best musical production of the year. The Ministry of Culture joined MU-YAP in hosting a cocktail before the award ceremony. The Ministry of Culture also organized a public awareness seminar on April 25.
The State Department of Intellectual Property is organizing a third national exhibition, on the theme, "Inventions and Innovations 2007." Several activities will take place in the framework of this exhibition. These include a scientific and practical Conference on the theme of "Intellectual Property - A Powerful Tool for Economic Growth," and a presentation on patented inventions. It is expected that the winners of all Ukrainian competitions for inventions and the best employees in the sphere of intellectual property will receive their awards during this exhibition.
United Kingdom - Anti Copying in Design (ACID)
Every year ACID celebrates World Intellectual Property Day by raising awareness and expanding initiatives to support designers. An ACID survey which was completed by 662 non-ACID designers and manufacturers highlighted the fact there is still much work to be done in raising awareness in the UK about the need to protect and fully exploit IP in the creative industries.
On April 26, Dids Macdonald, ACID's CEO, will be a key-note speaker at the Cruise & Ferry exhibition at Excel in London's Docklands, tackling the theme of intellectual property - "Value Your IP - Value Your Business!"
United Kingdom - Bournemouth University
To mark the Day, the University's Centre for Intellectual Property Policy and Management (CIPPM) has organized a presentation by the Director of the British Brands Group, on the inter-relationships between brands, the economy and intellectual property. This will take place on April 26, in the Cobham Lecture Theatre, from 1-2 p.m. More information can be found at: http://www.cippm.org.uk/current.html.
United Kingdom - Consultancy 85four
85four, a specialist online and print communications consultancy which particularly works in the field of protection of intellectual property online, celebrated the Day by holding an Open Day during which queries by e-mail and by telephone were addressed.
United Kingdom - CIPA
To mark the Day, the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) will be holding an event at the British Library Business and IP Centre on the morning of April 26. It will be opened by the Chief Executive of the UK Intellectual Property Office, who will speak on the importance of IP to the national economy. The new website of the IP Awareness Network will be launched on the Day.
Several creators in various fields of intellectual property will be addressing the participants on the role of IP professionals in their success.
CIPA and the British Library are inviting the media to attend, among them mainly business and IP correspondents from the national media and specialist magazines.
United Kingdom - Enterprise "Own It"
To mark the Day, Own It, an IP advisory service in London, is holding an event called "Making Ideas, Making IP, Making Money!" This will link creative ideas with an intellectual property strategy which involves knowing markets and registration procedures in order to be successful.
The event will take place on the Day at the Students Hub and Bar, University of the Arts, 65 Davies Street, London W1K 5DA. It will cover finding markets, using IP in business development plans, making money from ideas and negotiating licensing agreements.
The speakers will include experts in the fields of law, invention and technological innovation. Booking and further information at: http://www.own-it.org/events/details/?eventld=204.
United Kingdom - Intellectual Property Office (UK-IPO)
To celebrate the Day, UK-IPO has organized the following activities:
- publication of the results of the first UK awareness survey on intellectual property, this survey being the largest IP awareness survey to date and giving an accurate indication of the level of IP awareness in the UK across all sizes of firm and all sectors of industry;
- publication of two new information booklets, "My IP," a first step to discovering what could be a valuable asset, providing an introduction to patents, trademarks and design and copyright, and "My idea," which gives basic guidance on how to legally protect your idea and how to develop it into a reality;
- the launch of a teach yourself intellectual property book aimed at business, which looks at managing and protecting intellectual property, understanding the different intellectual property rights and providing advice on making informed decisions, and is written by Miles Rees, Business Development Manager and Lawrence Smith-Higgins, Head of Awareness Information and Media at the UK Intellectual Property Office, in association with the Telegraph Business Club;
- the launch of a monthly E-Newsletter for small to medium-sized enterprises, with the latest news and developments in the world of IP;
- the launch of a new primary school resource called "Cracking Ideas," in which Oscar winners Wallace and Gromit have teamed up with the UK Intellectual Property Office to encourage primary school students to innovate, and featuring an exciting competition and online work plans for schools to use. Visit: www.crackingideas.com.
For more information please visit www.ipo.gov.uk/worldipday.
United Kingdom - Intellectual Property Office of Bermuda
The Ministry of Labour and Immigration will celebrate the Day in the following ways:
- a proclamation by the Minister on the steps of the City Hall;
- the Ministry's collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Public Library to host a number of workshops and exhibitions;
- newspaper articles;
- publication of the message of WIPO's Director General;
- publication of the address of the Minister with responsibility for intellectual property;
- radio and television interviews with members of the staff of the Intellectual Property Office;
- issue of T-shirts printed with this year's theme, to be worn by staff members of the Intellectual Property Office.
United Kingdom - Law Firm Freeth Cartwright
Freeth Cartwright, an East Midlands law firm, will be launching a forum called NODUS at its Nottingham office on April 26. This will aim to increase the provision by the region of expertise in intellectual property and information technology law.
The firm plans to hold four events per year in the context of this forum, bringing together legal specialists to give talks and share ideas and expertise. The Nottingham event will present ideas for NODUS, as well as the verification of an investigation and quantification of damages in intellectual property actions.
United Kingdom - Legal Firm Maclay Murray & Spens
Maclay Murray & Spens are celebrating the Day with an event to be held in the National Galleries in Edinburgh. It will include presentations from the well-known fashion designer, Katherine Hamnett, and Manchester United's Head of Legal Affairs, Patrick Stewart. More information can be found at: http://www.mms.co.uk/WorldIPDay.
United Kingdom - Legal Firm Pinsent Masons
To mark the Day, Pinsent Masons are giving free legal advice on intellectual property matters on April 26 at their offices in London, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh. Appointments may be made by entrepreneurs or recognized organizations for advice in person or queries may be sent by telephone or e-mail.
The firm is also hosting a free breakfast seminar on intellectual property on April 26, in its London and Glasgow offices. Another event, on the theme of protecting names on the net, will be hosted on various days in May at its offices in Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Edinburgh. More information can be found at: http://www.out-law.com/page-7870.
United Republic of Tanzania
The materials provided by WIPO for the celebration of the Day will be used on September 13, 2007, which marks the African Union Intellectual Property and Technology Day in Tanzania. The program will be spread over the three days, September 11-13, and will include exhibitions of inventive, innovative and creative works and a workshop, in which papers on various relevant intellectual property subjects will be presented and discussed.
United States of America - George Washington University Law School
The Creative and Innovative Economy Center (CIEC) of the George Washington University Law School, together with WIPO, have sent out invitations for participation in an event which aims to educate students and Congress on the importance of encouraging creativity and protecting creators. This will be held on April 26, at the Rayburn House Office Building, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., from 5 to 8 p.m.
The Congressional Caucus on Intellectual Property Promotion and the Prevention of Piracy, as part of this event, will be celebrating the Day with showcases of creative work by representatives of industry and by students in the Washington area.
Among those addressing the gathering will be the U. S. Secretary of Commerce, several members of Congress involved in intellectual property issues, the Director of CIEC and senior staff members of WIPO.
Students present will be from the Duke Ellington High School Jazz Band, Woodbridge High School's Center for the Fine and Performing Arts, Fairfax High School's Academy for Communication and the Arts, the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy and the DigiPen Institute of Technology.
The showcases, reflecting creativity, will be by the courtesy of the Recording Industry Association of America, the Motion Picture Association of America, the Association of American Publishers, the Entertainment Software Alliance, the Business Software Alliance and the Software & Information Industry Association.
More information can be obtained from Frank Pietrucha, at (202) 543-6750 or Frank@definitive-communications.com or from Suzanne Stoll at (202) 955-7999 or Suzanne.stoll@wipo.int.
United States of America - Thomson Scientific
Thomson Scientific, a business of the Thomson Corporation, based in the USA but also operational in Europe, Asia and the Pacific, gives assistance to professionals at all stages of research and product development. In honor of the Day, Thomson Scientific has published two reports, one on global technology innovations from 1997-2006, and the other on global patent activity from 1997-2006.
United States of America - University of Florida
To celebrate the Day, Florida Free Culture and CopyNight will be hosting a discussion on the theme, "Encouraging Creativity: Are We?" It will take place at Gainesville, Florida, on April 25 at 7 p.m. Further details can be found at: http://uf.freeculture.org.
The Day was celebrated on April 26 by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining and the National Directorate of Industrial Property (DNPI), together with the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Copyright Council, at the Universidad de la República in Montevideo, at an event on the theme, "Encouraging Creativity." Participants included representatives of WIPO and international experts in the field.
Speakers included the representatives of the two Ministries concerned and of WIPO, the Director of DNPI and the President of the Copyright Council, as well as representatives of other State organisms.
Uzbekistan - Copyright Agency
To celebrate the Day, the Copyright Agency has organized a month of activities as follows:
- coverage of a new edition of "The Law on Copyright and Related Rights in the Republic of Uzbekistan" by all the media, and a press conference about it in Tashkent on April 25 and 26, with the support of the Senate, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Culture and the Union of Authors, emphasizing the need to fight piracy;
- workshops in various districts on the rights and duties of rights holders and their users;
- a Round Table, held on March 28 in Tashkent, on the protection of copyright and related rights in the sphere of data bases and on experiences in the suppression of piracy, with the participation of representatives of Microsoft, IBM and other professionals in information technology;
- articles in the press on respect for copyright on the basis of national legislation;
- television and press coverage on the issues of counterfeiting and piracy;
- a competition open to high school and university students for the best poster about the Day.
Uzbekistan - State Patent Office
To celebrate the Day, the State Patent Office organized the following activities:
- a conference on the theme, "The Development of Legislation in the Field of Intellectual Property," together with the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and the State Copyright Agency (April 26);
- a competition, in cooperation with the Center of Technical Creativity, for secondary school students showing scientific and technical creativity (April 26);
- discussions on intellectual property and the screening of a film on the subject for the benefit of young people, at the State Children's Library (April-May);
- a performance and a report about the role of intellectual property in social development, at the Tashkent State Technical University (April 12);
- regional seminars in various parts of the country on different aspects of intellectual property (April-May);
- a quiz for the staff of the State Patent Office (April 27);
- a meeting about the Day in the State Patent Office (April 26).
Viet Nam will celebrate the Day with a number of events and activities, as follows:
- the message from the Director General of WIPO, translated into Vietnamese, is being widely disseminated by the mass media;
- on April 14, Vietnamese Television (VTV3) broadcast a live show on the program "Award ceremony for competitive and well-known marks," organized by the Viet Nam IP Association in collaboration with the National Office of Intellectual Property (NOIP);
- NOIP is cooperating with the media and major universities throughout the country to highlight the significance of intellectual property in everyday life and to focus on WIPO's theme, "Encouraging Creativity," through a number of activities to be carried out from April 20-26, in the ways described below.
- In Hanoi, the NOIP, in cooperation with the University of Natural Sciences (National University of Hanoi) will organize a meeting to celebrate the Day with activities such as distribution of IP materials to the audience and the launching of the 2007 Competition for Young People's Creativity;
- In Ho Chi Minh City, the NOIP will cooperate with Ho Chi Minh Economic University to organize a talk on special areas of IP. A senior representative of the NOIP will take part in this discussion;
- In Danang, the NOIP will cooperate with Duy Tan Private University to hold a forum on the themes, "IP in the market economy and Viet Nam's process of international integration," "IP-related activities in universities" and "The role of IP in Vietnamese economic development and IP-related activities in universities." Representatives of the NOIP, of appropriate local authorities (the Department of Commerce and the Department of Science and Technology) and Duy Tan University will participate in this forum;
- On April 22, the NOIP, in cooperation with the National Library, will celebrate the Day by organizing IP-related activities such as the distribution of the works "Intellectual Property Handbook" and "Socio-economic Benefits of IP Protection in Developing Countries" (in the Vietnamese language) to local libraries throughout the country, a forum on some specific areas in the role of IP in Viet Nam's economic development and its international integration, an exhibition displaying IP books and materials, and the distribution of IP outreach materials to the public;
- On April 26, NOIP will organise a meeting at its headquarters to celebrate the Day with the participation of its entire staff;
- On April 26, the Center for Promotion of Inventions and Innovations (CEPIN), in collaboration with the NOIP, will organise the First Vietnamese Ideas Festival, with the aim of promoting innovation and creativity through the celebration of a large and diverse number of ideas. The event will be broadcast live on television.
To celebrate the Day, the Zambia Police officers under the Intellectual Property Unit (IPU) will be marching with the staff of the Patent and Copyright Offices in Lusaka to the Freedom Statue, a distance of about a kilometer. Two police bands will be present.
Speeches will be made by various participants, including the police as enforcers of IP laws, and the bands will provide musical interludes. Special T-shirts have also been issued in honor of the Day.