WIPO IP Portal: New MENU Features for WIPO IP Statistics Users
December 7, 2020
Modern, functional and easy to use, the WIPO IP Portal is the place to go for accessing WIPO’s extensive statistical data on IP activity worldwide.
In our continued efforts to improve the services provided through the WIPO IP Portal, we have added a number of new features and streamlined the categorization of online services, making it even easier for you to find what you are looking for.
What has changed?
- A direct link to the WIPO IP Statistics Data Center is available in the Statistics sub-category of the following categories of the MENU: Patents, Trademarks, Designs and Geographical Indications. It makes navigation easier and more intuitive.
- The “Bookmarks” menu and widget (available only to logged in users) has been renamed “My Favorites”. “My Favorites” provides quick access to your bookmarked services and widgets.
- A “NEW” icon has been added to highlight the new services available through the MENU.
- Finally, we’ve added a promotional space to keep you up-to-date on new WIPO services and important news regarding existing services.
We would love to receive your feedback on these new features and any other changes that you would like to see in the WIPO IP Portal!
More information
- Visit the WIPO IP Portal
- Contact us with questions or comments