Algeria’s Madrid Protocol Accession: Streamlined Registration and Management of Marks


As a result of Algeria’s recent accession to the Madrid Protocol, all Contracting Parties to the System are now also members of the Protocol. As a result, Madrid System users from all corners of the globe will benefit from the flexibilities and features of the Protocol.

In practical terms, from October 31, 2015, when the Protocol enters into force in Algeria, the Madrid System will operate as a single treaty system, with the Protocol governing all transactions between or in respect of Contracting Parties and users.

Key features of the Protocol now available to all users:

  • Filing of international applications based on national/regional applications or registrations, via a single form (MM2)
  • Free choice of Office of origin on the basis of commercial establishment, domicile or nationality
  • Transformation of international registrations into national or regional trademarks following their cancellation due to the basic mark ceasing to be in effect
  • Choice of presenting to either WIPO or the Office of the holder any subsequent designations and requests for the recording of cancellations and renunciations
  • Renewal of international registrations for periods of ten years    
