WSO Joins the 40th Anniversary Celebrations of IP Viet Nam


WIPO Singapore Office Director, Ms. Thitapha Wattanapruttipaisan and Senior Program Officer, Mr. Peter Willimott, were honoured to attend the event commemorating the 40th anniversary of the IP Office of Viet Nam.

Photo:IP Office of Viet Nam

VIPs attending the IP Office of Viet Nam’s 40th anniversary event with Viet Nam Director General Phi 5th from right and WSO Director, Ms. Thitapha Wattanapruttipaisan 4th from left.

Over 300 current and former IP office staff, senior government officials and industry representatives attended the event held at the National Convention Centre of Viet Nam. During the occasion, a pre-recorded congratulatory message from WIPO Director General, Mr. Daren Tang, was played to the audience. Ms. Wattanapruttipaisan also delivered some remarks that highlighted the wonderful economic progress Viet Nam has made in the past few decades and the important role IP and innovation have played in this development.

Photo:IP Office of Viet Nam

The Vietnamese Minister for Science and Technology provided a speech that highlighted the government’s commitment to enhancing innovation and the national IP system. This commitment is reflected in Viet Nam’s performance in WIPO’s Global Innovation index which has seen Viet Nam climb to the number one position among the 34 lower middle-income group economies, and is now a permanent fixture in the top 50 overall rankings.

WIPO is very pleased to have been able to support the development of the IP Office over the past 40 years and we look forward to our strong relationship continuing into the future.