Ensuring the privacy of our Users' personal data is of the utmost significance for WIPO. Unless service-specific rules on personal data and privacy apply, the processing of personal data by WIPO through its website (and other online services) is subject to the following terms to which the user agrees by browsing the WIPO website and using its online services:

Categories of personal data processed by WIPO

When accessing WIPO's webpage and other online services, WIPO may process personal data in the course of the creation of a WIPO Account or the use of certain other WIPO websites and services (e.g., IP Portal, ePCT, WIPO newsletter, WIPO Contact Form, WIPO Conference Registration, etc.). The personal data processed may, inter alia, include the User's first and last name, address, phone number and email address.

Purpose of the processing

WIPO processes the users' personal data to fulfill its objective and functions as stipulated in the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization. These objectives and functions consist, inter alia, of promoting the protection of intellectual property worldwide, maintaining services facilitating its protection and assembling as well as disseminating information concerning the protection of intellectual property.

WIPO also processes the users' personal data to reply to requests, to maintain daily operations and systems administration and to improve its services.

WIPO may contact users regarding account status, to confirm registration and to advise Users of major changes to the system.

Using the users' e-mail addresses, WIPO may periodically send users information, survey requests or promotional e-mails about services, events, webinars or publications offered by WIPO.

Upon request, users may "opt out" of further e-mail contact (except for notifications regarding major changes to the service).


Cookies are small texts sent from a web server and stored on a user's device, for instance, a computer or mobile phone. WIPO's website and its online services use cookies to offer the User an improved browsing experience, including features such as a single sign-on across different WIPO services or remembering the user's language settings, as well as continuous enhancement of WIPO's website and online services based on monitoring their usage and corresponding trends. For the latter purpose, WIPO's website and other online services may also use various web analytics tools to collect, inter alia, the WIPO Account username (for logged-in users), information on the Internet Protocol address of the Users, the time spent on the WIPO website or online services, which webpages are visited, or the time and date of the visit.

The information collected via cookies and analytical tools is used in aggregated and anonymous manner for statistical purposes, and not to identify individual Users.

Users may, depending on their respective web browser, delete cookies at any time and/or make general settings with regard to the acceptance, rejection and deletion of cookies. This may however render certain features of WIPO's website and online services unavailable.


個人データのプライバシーの確保は、世界知的所有権機関 (WIPO) の最重要事項です。

WIPOがウェブサイト、オンラインサービス及び製品を介してユーザの個人データの処理を行う場合は、以下のデータ・プライバシー通知 (以下「本通知」といいます。) が適用されます。ユーザは、WIPOウェブサイトを閲覧し、そのオンラインサービス及び製品を使用することにより、本通知に同意したことになります。

1.1 WIPO (世界知的所有権機関) は、スイスのジュネーブに本部を置く政府間組織であり、国連の専門機関です。その使命は、バランスのとれた効果的で国際的な知的財産エコシステムの開発を主導し、より良い、より持続可能な未来のためにイノベーションと創造性を促進することです。

1.2 「個人データ」とは、個人 (自然人) を一意に識別、連絡又は特定するために直接的又は間接的に使用できる電子的その他の形式の情報をいいます。

1.3 「データ主体」とは、WIPO又はその代理が処理を行う個人データが帰属する個人をいいます。

1.4 「データ処理」とは、個人データの収集、記録、保存、使用、共有、保持、アーカイブ及び破棄をいいます。

2.1 WIPOは、その業務及び活動の過程で、ユーザの個人データの一部を処理することがあります。WIPOは、United Nations Personal Data Protection and Privacy principles (国連の個人データ保護及びプライバシーの原則) 及び国際的なベスト・プラクティスに沿って、データ主体の個人データの処理についてはデータ主体に対する開示に関する一般方針に基づくこと、また、当該データを適切に保護することを保証します。
2.2 この点に関して、本通知は、WIPOが収集する個人データの種類、収集する理由、その使用方法及び保護方法、個人データに関するユーザの権利並びにこれらの権利の行使方法についてのユーザの理解を容易にすることを目的としています。



4.1 WIPOウェブサイトその他のオンラインサービス及び製品にアクセスする際、WIPOは、これらのサービス及び製品 (WIPOユーザアカウント、IP Portal、ePCT、WIPOニュースレター、WIPOお問い合わせフォーム、WIPOカンファレンス登録など) の使用中及び提供中に個人データを処理する場合があります。処理される個人データには、特に、ユーザの姓名、住所、電話番号及びメールアドレスが含まれる場合があります。
4.2 さらに、WIPOは、そのサービス、製品及び業務の提供を促進及び支援するために、特定の種類の個人データを処理する場合があります。例えば、さまざまなサービスや製品に物理的に若しくはオンラインによりアクセスするために必要又は出張や会議のサポートに必要とされる身分証明書類のほか、支払を容易にするための銀行情報、採用のための応募者の履歴書などが含まれます。


4.3 WIPOウェブサイトその他のオンラインサービス及び製品にアクセスすることにより、インターネット・プロトコル (IP) アドレス、閲覧行動 (例えば、訪問したウェブページ、使用したブラウザ、接続時間及び滞在時間) などの特定の情報がWIPOによって処理される場合があります。
4.4 さらに、WIPOウェブサイトその他のオンラインサービス及び製品は、機能の最適化及びユーザ・エクスペリエンスの向上を目的にクッキーを使用する場合があります。クッキーに関する詳細は、第5条を参照してください。

5.1 WIPOウェブサイト、そのオンラインサービス及び製品では、ブラウジング体験 (認証、言語設定などの機能を含む) を向上させるとともに、WIPOのサービス及び製品を継続的に改善していくために、クッキー[2]を使用しています。また、後者の目的のために、さまざまなウェブ解析ツールを使用して、とりわけ、WIPOユーザアカウント (WIPO Account) のユーザ名 (ログイン・ユーザ用)、IPアドレス、アクセスしたWIPOウェブサイト、アクセスした時間、滞在した時間、アクセスした日付などを収集することもあります。

5.2 クッキー及び解析ツールを介して収集された情報は、集約された匿名の方法で統計目的に使用され、ユーザ個人の識別を目的とはしていません。
5.3 ユーザは、必須ではないとされるクッキーをいつでも無効にすること、又はクッキーの受入れ、拒否及び削除に関する設定を変更することができます。ただし、これにより、WIPOウェブサイト、オンラインサービス及び製品の特定の機能が利用できなくなる場合があります。

6.1 WIPOは、世界知的所有権機関 (WIPO) を設立する条約に定める目的及び機能を果たすために、個人データの処理を行います。これらの目的及び機能には、特に、知的所有権の保護を全世界で促進すること、その保護を容易にするための役務を維持すること、及び知的所有権の保護に関する情報を収集し広報活動を実施することが含まれます。
6.2 WIPOは、日常業務 (顧客登録とサポート、支払、会議と出張管理、システム管理などを含む) を維持し、問合せに回答し、サービスと製品を改善するために個人データを処理します。例えば、アカウントの状況に関して、また、イベントへの登録の確認又はサービスの変更について通知を行うために、WIPOからユーザに連絡することがあります。
6.3 WIPOからは、データ主体のメールアドレスを使用して、定期的に情報、調査協力依頼又はWIPOが提供するサービス、製品、イベント、ウェビナー若しくは出版物に関する広報を目的とした電子メールを送信する場合があります。データ主体は、要求すれば、電子メールを配信停止 (オプト・アウト) することができます。ただし、サービス又は製品の使用及び提供に必要な通知は除きます。



9.1 WIPOは、WIPOのサービス及び製品を提供するため、及びWIPOの正当な利益に役立てるために、個人データを第三者のサービス・プロバイダーと共有する場合があります。このようなサービス・プロバイダーに対しては、従事する目的のために合理的に必要であるとみなされる範囲に限り、個人データへのアクセスが認められます。
9.2 WIPOは、本通知に記載されている場合を除き、収集した個人データの販売その他の開示は行いません。

10.1 WIPOは、不正若しくは偶発的なアクセス、損傷又は紛失などの脅威から個人データを保護するために、適切な物理的、技術的及び事務的管理を実施しています。
10.2 第三者への個人データの移転を行う場合、WIPOは当該第三者から、当該個人データを十分に保護するために当該第三者が適切な技術的及び組織的措置を講じる旨の十分な保証を確保します。

11.1 WIPOは、個人データの処理に際して、必要に応じて適切に、透明性に関する一般方針の遵守を徹底します。
11.2 データ主体として、ユーザは、自分自身の個人データへのアクセスを請求し、その処理に異議を唱え、又はその訂正若しくは削除を請求することができます。このような請求は、WIPOの作業言語の1つで書かれた書面により、請求の裏付けに十分な情報を付した上で、WIPOに提出されなければなりません。WIPOは、データ主体として請求を行う個人の身元又は権限を検証するために合理的な措置を講じることができます。
11.3 WIPOは、データ主体からの請求を受領した場合、これを審査し、当該請求に適時に対応するために合理的な努力を尽くします。なお、以下のいずれかの事由により、請求の全部又は一部をお断りする場合がありますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
  • 請求が明らかに誹謗的、詐欺的である、又はデータ処理目的を妨害している。
  • 請求に応じることが不可能、不適切である、又は過度な労力を伴うことが判明した。
  • 請求が、WIPOが使命を遂行する上で最優先すべき業務上のニーズ及び優先事項と矛盾している。
  • アーカイブ若しくは統計目的で、又はデータ主体の利益を保護するために、個人データの処理が必要とされる。
  • WIPOに付与された公的権限を行使するに際し、これに伴って実行されるタスクを遂行するために個人データの処理が必要とされる。
  • 法的義務の遵守又は法的請求の行使若しくは弁護のために個人データの処理が必要とされる。
11.4 個人データの処理に関する請求については、WIPO宛にご連絡ください (第15条のお問合せ先情報をご参照ください)。


本通知に起因又は関連してWIPOとデータ主体との間に発生し友好的に解決されなかったあらゆる紛争は、その時点で有効なUNCITRAL仲裁規則 (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules) に従った仲裁手続に付託されるものとします。WIPO及び当該データ主体は、かかる仲裁手続の結果として下された仲裁判断をかかる紛争の終局的判断とし、かかる仲裁判断に拘束されるものとします。上記にかかわらず、WIPOとWIPO職員の地位を有するデータ主体との間の紛争は、職員規定・規則及び関連する管理文書に従って解決するものとします。


WIPO による個人データ処理の詳細については、WIPOデータ保護窓口までお問い合わせください。

最終更新: 2023年10月

1.1 WIPO is an intergovernmental organization and specialized agency of the United Nations with its headquarters located in Geneva, Switzerland, whose mission is to lead the development of a balanced and effective global intellectual property ecosystem to promote innovation and creativity for a better and more sustainable future.

1.2 “Personal Data” refers to information in electronic or any other form that can be used, directly or indirectly, to uniquely identify, contact, or locate an individual (natural person).

1.3 “Data Subject” refers to an individual whose Personal Data is subject to processing by, on or behalf of, WIPO.

1.4 “Data Processing” refers to collection, recording, storage, use, sharing, retention, archiving and destruction of Personal Data.

2.1 In the course of its work and activities, WIPO may process some of your Personal Data. In alignment with United Nations Personal Data Protection and Privacy principles as well as international best practices, WIPO ensures a general policy of openness towards Data Subjects with respect to the processing of their Personal Data and will ensure that such data is appropriately protected.

2.2 In this regard, this Notice is intended to help you understand what Personal Data we collect, why we collect it, how we use and secure it, your rights on your Personal Data and how these rights can be exercised.

This Notice covers the processing of Personal Data by WIPO through its website and other online services and products. However, it does not cover processing of Personal Data that is governed by the provisions of International Treaties administered by WIPO1. Where applicable, the provisions of the Treaties concerned systematically apply and prevail over this Notice.

Personal Data You Provide to Us

4.1 When accessing WIPO's website and other online services and products, WIPO may process Personal Data in the course of the use and delivery of these services and products (e.g. WIPO Account, IP Portal, ePCT, WIPO newsletter, WIPO contact form, WIPO conference registration, etc.). The Personal Data processed may, among others, include your first and last name, postal address, phone number and email address.

4.2 Furthermore, specific types of Personal Data may be processed by WIPO in order to facilitate and support the delivery of WIPO services, products and operations. Examples include Identity Documents for physical and online access to various services and products as well as travel and conference support, banking information to facilitate payments, applicant CVs for recruitment, etc.

Personal Data We Collect by Automated Means

4.3 By accessing WIPO’s website and other online services and products, certain information such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browsing behavior (e.g. web pages visited, browser used, connection time and duration, etc.) may be processed by WIPO.

4.4 Furthermore, WIPO’s website and other online services and products may use cookies to optimize functionality and improve user experience. For more details, refer to Section 5 on cookies.

5.1 WIPO's website and its online services and products use cookies2 to offer an improved browsing experience, including features such as authentication, language settings, as well as continuous enhancement of WIPO's services and products. For the latter purpose, WIPO may also use various web analytics tools to collect, among others, the WIPO account username (for logged-in users), IP address, WIPO websites visited, the time, duration and date of the visit.

5.2 The information collected via cookies and analytics tools is used in an aggregated and anonymous manner for statistical purposes, and not to identify individual users.

5.3 You may disable cookies that are not deemed as strictly necessary at any time and/or make changes with regard to the acceptance, rejection and deletion of cookies. This may however render certain features of WIPO's website and online services and products unavailable.

6.1 WIPO processes Personal Data to fulfill its objectives and functions as stipulated in the Convention establishing WIPO. These objectives and functions consist, among others, of promoting the protection of intellectual property worldwide, maintaining services facilitating its protection and assembling as well as disseminating information concerning its protection.

6.2 WIPO processes Personal Data to maintain daily operations (such as customer registration and support, payments, conferences and travel management, systems administration, etc.), to reply to requests and to improve its services and products. For instance, WIPO may contact you regarding your account status, to confirm your registration to an event or to advise you of changes to a service.

6.3 Using the Data Subjects e-mail addresses, WIPO may periodically send information, survey requests or promotional e-mails about services, products, events, webinars or publications provided by WIPO. Upon request, Data Subjects may "opt out" of further e-mail contact (except for notifications required for the use and delivery of the service or product).

Personal Data is processed by WIPO in a fair and legitimate manner, for the sole purpose of providing and improving its services and products as well as meeting its obligations. Under no circumstances, is Personal Data used for any other incompatible purpose.

Personal Data is only retained for the time that is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. When we no longer need Personal Data, we will remove and securely destroy it from our systems and/or take steps to anonymize it.

9.1 In some cases, WIPO may share Personal Data with third party service providers for the purpose of providing WIPO services and products and to facilitate WIPO’s legitimate interests. These service providers will only be granted access to the Personal Data deemed as reasonably necessary for the purpose for which they have been engaged.

9.2 WIPO does not sell or otherwise disclose Personal Data collected except as described in this Notice.

10.1 Appropriate physical, technical and administrative controls are implemented by WIPO to secure your Personal Data from threats such as unauthorized or accidental access, damage, or loss.

10.2 In cases where the Personal Data is transferred to a third party, WIPO will ensure that the third party provides sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure sufficient protection for the Personal Data.

11.1 WIPO ensures a general policy of transparency in regard to the processing of Personal Data, as appropriate.

11.2 As a Data Subject, you may request to access to your Personal Data, object to its processing or request its correction or deletion. Such a request must be submitted to WIPO in written form, in one of WIPO’s working languages, and include sufficient information to support the claim. WIPO may take reasonable measures to validate the identity or authority of the individual making a Data Subject request.

11.3 Upon receipt of a Data Subject request, WIPO will review it and will make reasonable efforts to respond to the request in a timely manner. Please be aware that the request may be rejected, in whole or in part, on one of the following grounds:

  • the request is manifestly abusive or fraudulent or obstructive to the purpose of processing;
  • complying with the request proves to be impossible, inappropriate, or would involve a disproportionate effort;
  • the request is in conflict with the overriding operational needs and priorities of WIPO in pursuing its mandate;
  • the processing of the Personal Data is necessary for archiving or statistical purposes, or to protect the interests of the Data Subject;
  • the processing of the Personal Data is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the exercise of official authority vested in WIPO;
  • the processing of the Personal Data is necessary for the compliance with a legal obligation or the exercise or defense of legal claims.

11.4 Should you wish to submit a request regarding the processing of your Personal Data, you may contact us (refer to Section 15 on contact information).

Nothing in or relating to this Notice shall be deemed a waiver of any privileges and immunities of WIPO as an international organization and specialized agency of United Nations.

Any dispute between WIPO and the Data Subject arising out of or relating to this Notice that cannot be resolved amicably shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules then in force. WIPO and the Data Subject shall be bound by any arbitration award rendered as a result of such arbitration as the final adjudication of such a dispute. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, any dispute between WIPO and the Data Subject having the status of WIPO staff member shall be resolved in accordance with the Staff Regulations and Rules and related administrative issuances.

WIPO may modify this Notice at any time at its sole discretion. Any modifications will be published on WIPO’s website. Unless stated otherwise, modifications shall take effect immediately following publication.

For further information on the processing of Personal Data by WIPO, you may contact WIPO’s Data Protection Office.

Last Updated: October 16, 2023

The processing of your Personal Data by WIPO through its website and online services and products is subject to the following Data Privacy Notice to which you agree by browsing the WIPO website and using its online services and products:

1. Definitions

1.1 WIPO is an intergovernmental organization and specialized agency of the United Nations with its headquarters located in Geneva, Switzerland, whose mission is to lead the development of a balanced and effective global intellectual property ecosystem to promote innovation and creativity for a better and more sustainable future.

1.2 “Personal Data” refers to information in electronic or any other form that can be used, directly or indirectly, to uniquely identify, contact, or locate an individual (natural person).

1.3 “Data Subject” refers to an individual whose Personal Data is subject to processing by, on or behalf of, WIPO.

1.4 “Data Processing” refers to collection, recording, storage, use, sharing, retention, archiving and destruction of Personal Data.

2. Introductions

2.1 In the course of its work and activities, WIPO may process some of your Personal Data. In alignment with United Nations Personal Data Protection and Privacy principles and well as international best practices, WIPO ensures a general policy of openness towards Data Subjects with respect to the processing of their Personal Data and will ensure that such data is appropriately protected.

2.2 In this regard, this Data Privacy Notice is intended to help you understand what Personal Data we collect, why we collect, how we use and secure it, your rights on your Personal Data and how these rights can be exercised.

3. Scope

This Notice covers the processing of Personal Data by WIPO through its website and other online services and products. However, it does not cover processing of Personal Data that is governed by the provisions of International Treaties administered by WIPO . Where applicable, the provisions of the Treaties concerned systematically apply and prevail over this Notice.

4. What Personal Data do we process

Personal Data You Provide to Us

4.1 When accessing WIPO's website and other online services and products, WIPO may process Personal Data in the course of the use and delivery of these services and products (e.g. WIPO Account, IP Portal, ePCT, WIPO newsletter, WIPO Contact Form, WIPO Conference Registration, etc.). The Personal Data processed may, inter alia, include your first and last name, postal address, phone number and email address.

4.2 Furthermore, specific types of Personal Data may be processed by WIPO in order to facilitate and support the delivery of WIPO services, products and operations. Examples include Identification Documents for physical and online access to various services and products as well as travel and conference support, banking information to facilitate payments, applicant CVs for recruitment, etc.

Personal Data We Collect by Automated Means

4.3 By accessing WIPO’s website and other online services and products, certain information such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browsing behavior (e.g. web pages visited, browser used, connection time and duration, etc.) may be processed by WIPO.

4.4 Furthermore, WIPO’s website and other online services and products may use cookies to optimize functionality and improve user experience. For more details, refer to Section 5 on cookies.

5. How we use Cookies

5.1 WIPO's website and its online services and products use cookies to offer an improved browsing experience, including features such as authentication, language settings, as well as continuous enhancement of WIPO's services and products. For the latter purpose, WIPO may also use various web analytics tools to collect, inter alia, the WIPO Account username (for logged-in users), IP address, WIPO websites visited, the time, duration and date of the visit.

5.2 The information collected via cookies and analytical tools is used in an aggregated and anonymous manner for statistical purposes, and not to identify individual users.

5.3 You may disable cookies that are not deemed as strictly necessary at any time and/or make changes with regard to the acceptance, rejection and deletion of cookies. This may however render certain features of WIPO's website and online services and products unavailable.

6. Why we collect this Personal Data

6.1 WIPO processes Personal Data to fulfill its objectives and functions as stipulated in the Convention establishing WIPO. These objectives and functions consist, inter alia, of promoting the protection of intellectual property worldwide, maintaining services facilitating its protection and assembling as well as disseminating information concerning its protection.

6.2 WIPO processes Personal Data to maintain daily operations (such as customer registration and support, payments, conferences and travel management, systems administration, etc.), to reply to requests and to improve its services and products. For instance, WIPO may contact you regarding your account status, to confirm your registration to an event or to advise you of changes to a service.

6.3 Using the Data Subjects e-mail addresses, WIPO may periodically send information, survey requests or promotional e-mails about services, products, events, webinars or publications provided by WIPO. Upon request, Data Subjects may "opt out" of further e-mail contact (except for notifications required for the use and delivery of the service or product).

7. How we use your Personal Data

Personal Data is processed by WIPO in a fair and legitimate manner, for the sole purpose of providing and improving its services and products as well as meeting its obligations. Under no circumstances, is Personal Data used for any other incompatible purpose.

8. How long we store Personal Data

Personal Data is only retained for the time that is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. When we no longer need Personal Data, we will remove and securely destroy it from our systems and/or take steps to anonymize it.

9. Who we might share Personal Data with

9.1 In some cases, WIPO may share Personal Data with third party service providers for the purpose of providing WIPO services and products and to facilitate WIPO’s legitimate interests. These service providers will only be provided access to the Personal Data deemed as reasonably necessary for the purpose for which they have been engaged.

9.2 WIPO does not sell or otherwise disclose Personal Data collected except as described in this Privacy Notice.

10. How we keep Personal Data secure

10.1 Appropriate physical, technical and administrative controls are implemented by WIPO to secure your Personal Data from threats such as unauthorized or accidental access, damage, or loss.

10.2 In cases where the Personal Data is transferred to a third party, WIPO will ensure that the third party provides sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure appropriate protection for the Personal Data.

11. Your rights on your Personal Data

11.1 WIPO ensures a general policy of transparency in regard to the processing of Personal Data, as appropriate. As a Data Subject, you may request information regarding the processing of your Personal Data.

11.2 Subject to reasonable limitations and conditions, Data Subjects may be granted the opportunity to rectify, object to the processing, or request deletion of their Personal Data. In such cases, WIPO shall review the Data Subject request and stop processing the Personal Data if the objection is considered justified, proportionate, and practical to implement and not in conflict with the purpose of processing that Personal Data.

11.3 Such Data Subject requests should be submitted to WIPO in written form, in English or French and they must include sufficient information to support the claim. WIPO may take reasonable measures to validate the request, including the identity or authority of the individual making a Data Subject request.

11.4 Data Subjects wishing to exercise their rights in this regard may contact us (refer to Section 15 on contact information) and we will make reasonable efforts to respond to your request in a timely manner.

12. Privileges and Immunities

Nothing in or relating to this Privacy Notice shall be deemed a waiver of any privileges and immunities of WIPO as an international organization and specialized agency of United Nations.

13. Settlement of Disputes

13.1 Any dispute between WIPO and the Data Subject arising out of or relating to this Privacy Notice that cannot be resolved amicably shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules then in force. WIPO and the Data Subject shall be bound by any arbitration award rendered as a result of such arbitration as the final adjudication of such a dispute.

14. Modifications to this Privacy Notice

WIPO may modify this Notice at any time at its sole discretion. Any modifications will be published on WIPO’s website. Unless stated otherwise, modifications shall take effect immediately following publication.

15. Contact Information

For further information on the processing of Personal Data by WIPO, you may contact WIPO’s Data Protection Officer.