For non-continuous functions, WIPO often calls upon experts who possess skills which are not available in-house. Such experts may work at headquarters in Geneva or on specific missions around the world. The duration of ICS contracts can vary from a few days, up to two years (full-time equivalent).
We advertise all opportunities with a mission value of more than 50,000 Swiss francs, and regularly open rosters for positions in various areas of expertise. Individuals can apply to these rosters to form part of our pool of experts who may be called upon when a specific opportunity in their area of expertise is available.
Type of work
There are two kinds of Individual Contractor Services (ICS) engagement:
- Ad hoc mission: consists of a project or a determined subject matter in a predefined timeframe, paid on the basis of a lump sum or time/rate remuneration.
- Accredited services: consists of a contract that defines the unit cost and types of services that can be rendered, delivered on a recurring or intermittent basis by the individual service provider, according to WIPO’s needs.
What we look for
ICS contractors typically represent a wide range of professions and have a high level of expertise in the following areas, among others:
- Information technology
- Intellectual property
- Translation
- Economics, statistics
- Regional/national support services in IT assistance, business promotion activities etc.
Conditions of contract
An ICS agreement is a non-staff contract and is not subject to WIPO Staff Regulations and Rules. Individual contractors are not entitled to vacation and sick leave (except for official WIPO holidays), WIPO medical insurance, or staff pension.
ICS General Conditions (september 2022) are annexed to all contracts issued.
WIPO reserves the right to modify and adapt, as necessary, its General Conditions, to meet the specific requirements of its ICS contracts.