Policies, Measures and Experiences Regarding Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources: Submission by China
رمز الوثيقة | WIPO/GRTKF/IC/16/INF/27 |
الاجتماعات ذات الصلة | WIPO/GRTKF/IC/16 |
تاريخ النشر | 19 فبراير 2010 |
English | Policies, Measures and Experiences Regarding Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources: Submission by China Policies, Measures and Experiences Regarding Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources: Submission of China |
中文 | 知识产权和遗传资源领域的政策、措施 和经验:中国提交的资料 秘书处编拟的文件 |