[The Attempts to Protect Expressions of Foklore and Traditional Knowledge]
رمز الوثيقة | WIPO/IPTK/MCT/02/INF/5 |
الاجتماعات ذات الصلة | WIPO/IPTK/MCT/02 |
تاريخ النشر | 1 نوفمبر 2001 |
English | The Attempts to Protect Expressions of Foklore and Traditional Knowledge |
Français | Tentatives visant à protéger les expressions du folklore et les savoirs traditionnels |
Español | Intentos por Proteger las Expresiones del Folclore y los Conocimientos Tradicionales |
عربي | [The Attempts to Protect Expressions of Foklore and Traditional Knowledge] |