Prof. Correa followed studies on economics and law at the University of Buenos Aires, from which he also obtained his doctorate.
Since 1991 he has been the Director of the Masters Program on Science and Technology Policy and Management, and of the Post-graduate Courses on Intellectual Property of the University of Buenos Aires. He was also appointed Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Industrial Property Law and Economics of the same University. He is currently in charge of the "Innovation, Development and Intellectual Property Policy" project at the South Centre, and chairs the Genetics Resources Policy Committee of the CGIAR.
He has been a consultant to UNCTAD, UNIDO, WHO, FAO, Inter American Development Bank, INTAL, World Bank, SELA, ECLA, UNDP and other regional and international organizations in different areas of law and economics, including investment, science and technology and intellectual property. At different times he has advised the governments of Canada, Spain, Ecuador, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Jordan, South Africa, Indonesia on these issues and has been a consultant to the Rockefeller Foundation and DFID (United Kingdom).
He was a member of the UK International Commission on Intellectual Property, established in 2001. In 2004 he was appointed as member of the Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Public Health created by the World Health Assembly, and as a member of the FAO Panel of Eminent Experts on Ethics in Food and Agriculture.
He is the author of several books and numerous articles on law and economics, particularly on investment, technology and intellectual property. His recent publications include work on intellectual property and international trade; integrating public health concerns into patent legislation; policy options for intellectual property legislation on genetic resources and traditional knowledge; international investment regimes; and competition law and development policies.