Nancy is presently Biotechnology Industry Organizations (BIO) Deputy General Counsel, Intellectual Property and Trade. Prior to joining BIO, she was Sr. Vice President, Intellectual Property and Regulatory Affairs, at Guilford Pharmaceuticals in Baltimore. From 1994 until late 1998, Nancy served as the Solicitor of Patents and Trademarks at the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. The Solicitor, at the time, was General Counsel for the PTO. Nancy was also a partner in the law firm, Cushman, Darby & Cushman. Prior to joining Cushman, she clerked for Judge Pauline Newman on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. In addition to her many positions in the IP field, Nancy has actively participated in many associations, including the AIPLA, ABA IPL, BIO and PhRMA and has served as an adjunct professor at Georgetown and GW law schools. Nancy has an MS and PhD in Inorganic Chemistry from UC San Diego, a BS in Chemistry from US Berkeley and a law degree from Western New England College. At present, she is a candidate for an MS degree in biotechnology at Johns Hopkins.