Manuel Ruiz MullerDirector and Principal Researcher Contact: |
Manuel Ruiz Muller is a 39 year old Lawyer who has been working on environmental law and policy since 1990. His activities have included legal research and technical assistance in natural protected areas conservation, environmental policy orientation to public and private entities as well as training in environmental law. Over the past few years Mr. Ruiz has become Director and Principal Researcher in the International Affairs and Biodiversity Program of the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (SPDA). He has become actively involved in the process to implement the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) at the national regional level and international, having participated as part of the Peruvian delegation in the Conference of the Parties of the CBD: (COP) I (Bahamas), II (Jakarta), III (Buenos Aires), IV (Bratislava), V (Nairobi), VI (The Hague), and various meetings of the CBD and in regional governmental experts meetings on genetic resources and plant breeder's rights. His current position includes providing legal analysis on issues such as access to genetic resources, intellectual property rights, biosafety, indigenous peoples rights, biotechnology and general environmental law, among others. He has also participated as a speaker in events regarding these issues in Peru, Colombia, Chile, Cuba, USA, Bahamas, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Indonesia, Jordan, England, Germany, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Venezuela, Switzerland, South Africa, Spain, India, Trinidad and Ecuador. Mr. Ruiz also has expertise in trade, development and environment issues. He has also been a consultant to FIELD, UNCTAD, UNDP, FFLA, IDB, ICTSD, IUCN, South Center, Andean Community, UNDP, FAO, UK Food Group, IPGRI, World Resources Institute, WIPO, among others.