WIPO National Seminar on Intellectual Property and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
28 de mayo de 2002 (La Valetta, Malta) Presencial
211 - 220 / 228 entradas
28 de mayo de 2002 (La Valetta, Malta) Presencial
22 de mayo a 24 de mayo de 2002 (Moscú, Federación de Rusia) Presencial
14 de mayo a 15 de mayo de 2002 (Brasov, Rumania) Presencial
9 de abril a 10 de abril de 2002 (Río de Janeiro, Brasil) Presencial
25 de febrero a 27 de febrero de 2002 (Bangkok, Tailandia) Presencial
9 de febrero a 10 de febrero de 2001 (Milán, Italia) Presencial
The main objective of the Forum was to review the role of the intellectual property system in enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises. It also provided an opportunity to inform the participants about the initiatives of WIPO on this subject and a plan of action was adopted. Presentations were made by a number of eminent speakers and experts in the field. | |Participants included high-level officials from Member States of WIPO as well as representatives from intergovernmental organizations, national SME support institutions, non-governmental organizations and entrepreneurs.
23 de octubre a 24 de octubre de 2000 (Manila, Filipinas) Presencial
10 de julio de 1999 (Colombo, Sri Lanka) Presencial
18 de mayo a 19 de mayo de 1998 (Ciudad Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam) Presencial
15 de mayo a 16 de mayo de 1998 (Hanói, Viet Nam) Presencial