[Proposal by the United States of America for the Establishment of a Partnership Program in WIPO]
Индекс документа | IIM/1/2 |
Мероприятия по теме | IIM/1 |
Дата публикации | 18 марта 2005 г. |
English | Proposal by the United States of America for the Establishment of a Partnership Program in WIPO Prepared by the Secretariat |
Français | Proposition des États-unis d'Amérique pour l'établissement d'un programme de partenariat à l'OMPI Document établi par le Secrétariat |
Español | Propuesta de los Estados Unidos de América para el Establecimiento en la OMPI de un Programa de Creación de Enlaces Documento preparado por la Secretaría |
عربي | [Proposal by the United States of America for the Establishment of a Partnership Program in WIPO] |
中文 | 美利坚合众国 关于制定WIPO伙伴关系计划的提案 WIPO国际局编拟的文件 |
Русский | [Proposal by the United States of America for the Establishment of a Partnership Program in WIPO] |