Tell Us What You Think about the WIPO IP Portal!
December 11, 2020
The WIPO IP Portal has become the essential digital platform for anyone using WIPO’s online intellectual property (IP) services.
We would very much like to receive your feedback on the WIPO IP Portal and your suggestions for future improvements.
Incorporating over 40 of WIPO’s online IP services, such as PATENTSCOPE, ePCT, Madrid Monitor, the Global Brands and Global Designs databases, eHague and your Current Account at WIPO, the IP Portal is the one-stop shop for managing your IP Portfolio.
The single sign on, easy navigation, customizable dashboard and integrated messages and payments are designed to make it easier for you to interact with WIPO online. We would like to expand the dashboard functionality, further develop our WIPO Account system and improve the way we can support you to use our wide range of IP services. Our focus is to continuously add new services and features to the WIPO IP Portal in order to better serve our 1000+ daily visitors from across the world. We know we can do more – this is your chance to tell us how!
Make your voice heard by completing our online survey. The survey has been extended to February 17, 2021 and should take no more than ten minutes to complete.
Your opinion is important to us.
Access the WIPO IP Portal survey
Who should take part?
The survey is designed for anyone who has used the WIPO IP Portal and WIPO’s online IP services over the last year. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a regular user or a first-time user – your opinion matters.
How does the survey work?
The survey is online and can be completed on any desktop or mobile device.
What will we do with your data?
Any personal data you submit will be treated confidentially and securely according to the WIPO Personal Data and Privacy Policy.