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Query > English > 2015
July 2, 2015 | WIPO GREEN
July 2, 2015 | International Patent Classification (IPC)
July 1, 2015 | Director General
July 1, 2015 | WIPO Lex
July 1, 2015 | Madrid System
June 30, 2015 | WIPO GREEN
Changes to NCL(10-2015) adopted by the Committee of Experts of the Nice Union at its 25th session, held in Geneva, from April 27 to May 1, 2015.
June 29, 2015 | Nice Classification
June 27, 2015 | WIPO Lex
June 26, 2015 | International Patent Classification (IPC)
June 25, 2015 | WIPO Office in China
June 25, 2015 | WIPO Office in Russia
June 25, 2015 | Patent Landscape Reports
June 22, 2015 | WIPO GREEN
June 18, 2015 | WIPO GREEN
June 18, 2015 | Climate Change
June 17, 2015 | WIPO Lex
June 16, 2015 | WIPO Japan Office