Côte d'Ivoire: Law No. 2013-865 of December 23, 2013, on combatting Counterfeiting and Piracy, and the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Export and Import Operations and Commercialization of Goods and Services
December 23, 2013
Côte d'Ivoire: The Law No. 2013-865 of December 23, 2013, on combatting Counterfeiting and Piracy, and the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Export and Import Operations and Commercialization of Goods and Services was adopted by the National Assembly and promulgated by the President on December 23, 2013.
The Law provides for measures and procedures for the effective protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. It establishes the National Anti-Counterfeiting Committee (the "CNAC"), an independent administrative authority competent at combatting counterfeiting; clarifies customs procedures; enhances the enforcement power and increases co-operation among the law enforcement agencies such as the Customs Administration, the CNAC, the Police, the Prosecution and Judiciary as well as the IP rights holders who play a major role in the fight against counterfeiting and piracy.