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Say Hello to our New Website

It’s modern, it’s clean and it’s easy to use. Experience IP the effortless way as we guide you through a couple of easy steps to reach your goal.

11 avril 2023   |   L'OMPI À la une

International Patent Applications Defy 2022 Challenges, Continue Upward Trend

Demand for patent protection continued to grow in 2022, with innovators in China, the United States, Japan, the Republic of Korea and Germany leading in filings under WIPO’s Patent Cooperation Treaty. Designs contained in filings via WIPO rose while trademark applications slid compared with an exceptional previous year.

28 février 2023   |   L'OMPI À la une

We’re on a journey to create the best IP experience for everyone, everywhere

We embarked on a massive journey to find out how we can make your wipo.int experience better, and what we need to do to get this right.

7 février 2023   |   L'OMPI À la une

WIPO Invites Applicants for 2023 Global Awards Competition for SMEs

WIPO has opened the 2023 edition of its Global Awards program, seeking small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) candidates from around the world that use intellectual property (IP)-backed innovation and creativity in an exceptional manner to achieve business goals and improve society.

17 janvier 2023   |   L'OMPI À la une

Worldwide IP Filings Reached New All-Time Highs in 2021, Asia Drives Growth

Global IP filings for patents, trademarks and designs reached new heights in 2021, showing the resilience of the global innovation ecosystem during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bucking the trend from previous economic downturns, IP filings remained strong during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and soared in 2021, WIPO’s World Intellectual Property Indicators (WIPI) report showed.

21 novembre 2022   |   L'OMPI À la une

Inaugural Edition of WIPO’s New “Green Technology Book” Focuses on Climate-Change Adaptation

The first edition of WIPO’s new flagship “Green Technology Book” report looks at climate-change adaptation, which aims to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience to climate impacts, especially in developing countries where the effects are most heavily borne.

10 novembre 2022   |   L'OMPI À la une

Apply Now: WIPO’s Young Experts Program

WIPO is recruiting a new team of Young Experts. Aimed at training the next generation of global intellectual property leaders, WIPO’s Young Experts Program (YEP) will host 12 junior professionals with leadership potential for a two-year program at WIPO, beginning in early 2023.

15 septembre 2022   |   L'OMPI À la une

GII Science & Technology Clusters: East Asia Tops Ranking

Four of the world’s five biggest science and technology clusters are located in East Asia – one in Japan, two in China, one in Republic of Korea and the fifth in the United States - according to an early release from the 2022 edition of WIPO’s Global Innovation Index (GII). The full GII 2022 report will be released on September 29, 2022.

14 septembre 2022   |   L'OMPI À la une

Save the Date: September 29, 2022 – Launch of the Global Innovation Index 2022

The 15th edition of WIPO’s Global Innovation Index (GII) will be released on Thursday, September 29, 2022, from 13:30 to 16:00 p.m. (Geneva time) during a hybrid event featuring ministers, business leaders and innovation experts. The event will include a presentation of key findings of the GII 2022 and two panel discussions.

4 août 2022   |   L'OMPI À la une

First-Ever WIPO Global Awards: Winners from China, Japan, the Netherlands, Singapore

Small and medium-sized enterprises from China, Japan, the Netherlands and Singapore are the first-ever winners of WIPO’s new Global Awards program, which recognizes exceptional enterprises and individuals using intellectual property to make a positive impact at home and abroad.

19 juillet 2022   |   L'OMPI À la une

Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO

The Sixty-Third Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO will take place at WIPO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, from July 14-22, 2022. Follow along online!

6 juillet 2022   |   L'OMPI À la une

Save the Date: WIPO Global Awards Ceremony 2022

Tune in live to watch the first-ever WIPO Global Awards medals ceremony on July 19, when five exceptional small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will be unveiled as winners from a pool of hundreds of applicants from around the world. WIPO's new Global Awards program recognizes exceptional enterprises and individuals using IP to make a positive impact.

6 juillet 2022   |   L'OMPI À la une

Meet the 2022 WIPO Global Awards Finalists

Twenty innovative small and medium-sized enterprises from around the world are finalists for the first-ever WIPO Global Awards. A selection team chose the finalists from among 272 submissions from 62 countries for the prize, which celebrates commercial solutions based on intellectual property rights to impact economic, social and cultural progress both at home and abroad.

15 juin 2022   |   L'OMPI À la une

New Report: Patenting Booms for Clean "Hydrogen Fuel Cell" Technologies for Transport

Innovation in transport-related hydrogen fuel cell technology has boomed since 2016, with China, Japan and Germany the top sources of patent applications for the technology that can power vehicles without creating emissions that contribute to global climate change, a new WIPO report shows.

17 mai 2022   |   L'OMPI À la une

WIPO Symposium on Trade Secrets and Innovation

The "WIPO Symposium on Trade Secrets and Innovation" provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and perspectives on issues relating to trade secrets and innovation in the technology and service sectors. Register now to join the discussion on May 23-24.

2 mai 2022   |   L'OMPI À la une

World Intellectual Property Day 2022: IP and Youth

Happy World Intellectual Property Day 2022! Across the globe, young people are using their energy, ingenuity, curiosity and creativity to steer a course towards a better future, which is why World Intellectual Property Day 2022 is focusing on "IP and Youth Innovating for a Better Future." View the three winning videos of the World IP Day Youth Video Competition and learn how younger people are working to improve our world.

26 avril 2022   |   L'OMPI À la une

WIPO Photography Prize for Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Youth

Young photographers from Brazil, the Philippines and Kenya were selected as winners among 30 artists whose work was shortlisted in the WIPO Photography Prize for Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Youth 2021-2022. The prize encourages Indigenous and local community youth to express themselves on climate change and climate action – while raising their awareness on how copyright can be used to protect their creativity expressed in the photographs.

22 avril 2022   |   L'OMPI À la une

World Intellectual Property Report: World Intellectual Property Report: Digitalization Driving Today’s Innovation; Green Tech Needs Reboot

The rapid global response to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic shows how innovative activity can adapt quickly to shifting priorities and a similar effect is needed to urgently address climate change, according to WIPO’s World Intellectual Property Report, which probes the complex sets of decisions that direct the development of life-changing innovations.

7 avril 2022   |   L'OMPI À la une

New COVID-19 Research: Universities and Research Organizations Highly Active in Vaccine Patenting During Pandemic's Early Days

Universities and research organizations filed nearly as many patent applications as corporations for COVID-19 vaccines during the early months of the global pandemic, with China and U.S.-based innovators most actively patenting new anti-COVID19 vaccine and therapeutic technologies, according to a WIPO report on pandemic-era innovation trends.

10 mars 2022   |   L'OMPI À la une