This page provides links to a number of sites, articles and studies containing a variety of views and information on non-exhaustive list of current and emerging issues relating to patents. As the debate about patents develops, further topics may be added and others might be removed. In addition, this page contains a separate link to information on various national strategies and policies.
The patent system has, in recent years, enjoyed levels of use far beyond what would have been imagined only a decade ago. Yet this success has not given rise to universal satisfaction, either within the immediate circle of administrators and users of the patent system, or among the intended beneficiaries of the system more widely in society. Read more...
Index of Issues (alphabetical order)
- Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing
- Biotechnology
- Competition and Patents
- Economic Development and Patents
- Inventions Made/Used in Outer Space
- Nanotechnology
- Protection of Traditional Knowledge
- Public Health and Patents
- R&D, Innovation and Patents
- Software and Business Methods
- Standards and Patents