PCT – The International Patent System
Protect and manage your patent abroad
The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) establishes a cost-effective means for companies and innovators to seek international patent protection for inventions in up to 158 Contracting States. A single international patent application successfully filed under the PCT has the same legal effect as filing separate patent applications in all Contracting States.
It also greatly facilitates the processing and examination of international patent applications by national patent Offices and provides the general public with access to technical disclosures contained in international applications.
Email updates
- PCT Newsletter – News and information for users of the PCT System, including fee tables and seminars. Monthly.
How to use the PCT system

File an international patent application with the PCT system
Learn about how to file a PCT patent application, including the required elements, basic requirements, practical details and applicable fees

Manage your international patent application with the PCT system
Understand how to manage your PCT patent application throughout the international phase, including important procedures and deadlines

Enter the national phase of the PCT system
Find out when and how to proceed with your PCT application in the national phase
ePCT – PCT System online services by WIPO
Use ePCT to file and manage your international patent applications as an applicant, or process international patent applications as a patent Office.
PCT knowledge and resources
PCT information and updates
PCT system education resources

PCT training events and resources
Register for upcoming PCT training events or explore past training recordings and resources

Learn the PCT video series
Learn the PCT through video lectures by topic

Introductory course on the PCT system - DL101
Take a PCT course via the WIPO Distance Learning program

PCT System success stories
Discover the stories of companies and inventors that have successfully registered for international patent protection with the PCT System
Questions about the PCT System?
Our PCT Information Service team is available to answer your general and legal questions and guide you through the various aspects of using the PCT System.
Need to talk to someone? Call us: +41 22 338 8338 (Monday to Friday 09:00–18:00 CET)