PCT Filings in 2020 | Budapest Treaty accessions | New fee payment mode at RO/IB | Withdrawing priority claims
RO/IB to stop accepting PCT-SAFE filings | Withdrawing PCT applications | Changes to Form PCT/IB/306
Declarations by GB | Power of attorney waiver | World IP Day | Switching from PCT-SAFE to ePCT
Excuse of delays | Cost of filing an international application | Non-working days at the IB | WIPO Sequence
PCT/Paris Notification (GB) | WIPO IP Portal update | New PCT-PPH Pilots | End of year publication dates
PCT Working Group and CTC | Electronic filing news | New CNIPA/EPO pilot | New DAS Office
New PCT-PPH pilots | New DAS Offices | Third party access to international preliminary examination file
End of COVID-19-related extension | Excuse of delay in meeting time limits | New ePCT-Filing Offices | PCT Yearly Review