WIPO Fee Transfer Service
It is recalled that, since 1 July 2020, any receiving Office, International Searching Authority, Authority specified for supplementary search or International Preliminary Examining Authority may participate in the WIPO Fee Transfer Service as a “participating Office”, in which PCT fees are transferred from one Office (the “collecting Office”) to another (the “beneficiary Office”) via the International Bureau (IB). For further information, please refer to PCT/WG/12/20 at:
The IB has published updated information on the common timetable for 2025, which specifies the latest dates each month by which a participating collecting Office shall establish and transmit fee transfer information to the IB, and by which the lists of fees to be transferred, and the amounts of fees indicated in the said lists, shall be established and transmitted to and from the IB. Please refer to the Official Notices (PCT Gazette) of 5 December 2024 at: