May 17, 2022
WIPO works to address global issues at the nexus of innovation and intellectual property. We promote initiatives aimed at finding opportunities to apply and scale-up innovation-driven solutions that improve peoples’ health. Please see below an announcement by Springer Nature, about one of their initiatives in the health sector.
Spinoff companies from universities and research institutes translate research findings into commercial propositions. University spinoff companies can drive local and national economic growth and provide solutions to real-world problems. Yet, for the benefits that spinoffs bring, there are still not enough opportunities to recognize and showcase their contribution. To fill the gap, Nature Awards, in partnership with Merck KGaA, created the Spinoff Prize.
The 2022 prize will focus on spinoff companies founded on research in life sciences or physical sciences, both of which can include digital technology approaches i.e. including artificial intelligence, deep learning, neuromorphic computing and quantum computing.
Judges will look for spinoffs that translate original, high-quality scientific research into products and services that address market problems and are well positioned to make a positive impact on society.
The deadline to submit applications is July 29, 2022.