Creating a better experience of IP

for everyone, everywhere

WIPO is determined to make intellectual property (IP) easily accessible and simple to use for anyone, anywhere in the world. No matter your level of expertise in intellectual property.

So, we embarked on a massive journey to find out how we can make your experience better, and what we need to do to get this right. We interviewed many key stakeholders and users, and with their help we identified the following 3 areas with opportunity for improvements to:

  1. modernize, harmonize and unify the design across the different digital assets and platforms
  2. simplify the information architecture so you can easily find what you need
  3. make it straight-forward to navigate your way through our digital ecosystem

And that’s exactly what we set out to do. We’re taking you along on this journey and come April 2023, you’ll be able to experience the first changes in phase one, firsthand.

A new design

We’re improving your experience of our look & feel by:

  • breathing new life into our brand
  • creating one look & feel for all our digital assets
  • combining an elegant style with modern design, topped off with a dollop of delicious creativity

A new information architecture

We’re improving your experience of our information flow by:

  • seamlessly connecting tools from the IP Portal with related pages
  • making it easier and more intuitive to find the information and tools you need
  • creating top links for IP specialists so you can find your favorite tools and personal workspace faster

A new navigation system

We’re improving your experience of our navigation system by:

  • adopting a universal navigation system that is intuitive and consistent across all the platforms
  • making it easier for you to move between informational pages and corresponding tools
  • giving you an improved and better structured page navigation flow

We’re building your experience around you

One that’s more engaging, more accessible and more efficient. Just overall better and more personal!

What you can look forward to, come April:

A clean and well-balanced experience, one that is light, modern, creative and beautifully structured.

If you’re an IP professional, you can look forward to getting your tasks done in a quicker, smoother and more integrated way.

If you’re just starting out in the world of IP, you can look forward to an easier, more intuitive and guided experience in the flow of information.

So, to sum it up… take the first-class functionality we offer, combine it with our brand-new look & feel, beautifully structured information architecture and our easy and intuitive navigation system, and let your imagination run wild!