WIPO meeting to discuss formalities for patent applications
Geneva, December 16, 1997
Press Updates UPD/1997/1
The Fifth Session of the Committee of Experts on the Patent Law Treaty is meeting in Geneva from December 15 to 19, 1997, to consider the latest text, prepared by the International Bureau, of the provisions of a draft Treaty for the promotion of the harmonization of patent law and of its accompanying Regulations.
The new text of the draft Treaty results from the discussions and views expressed in the previous session of the Committee of Experts held in June 1997. The draft Treaty pertains to formalities which may be required for the filing of patent applications and recordings by Patent Offices and related matters, such as requirements for obtaining a filing date, representation, and conditions for extension of time limits and restoration of rights.
The new text of the draft Treaty shows a closer alignment with the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), which is administered by WIPO, and takes into account the latest amendments to the PCT Regulations.