WIPO to Acquire Land for Expansion in Geneva
Geneva, June 4, 1998
Press Releases PR/1998/126
Today, June 4, 1998, the WIPO Budget and Premises Committees approved proposals submitted by the Director General of WIPO, Dr. Kamil Idris, to immediately purchase the parcel of land located within a short distance of the WIPO main building; the so-called "Steiner Lot" is to be acquired at the price of 13.5 million Swiss francs.
The Budget and Premises Committees also authorized the Secretariat of WIPO to develop proposals for the next steps regarding construction on the "Steiner Lot", following consultations with representatives of several member States.
Today's decision is an important achievement: WIPO is a rapidly expanding Organization, which, by dint of its growth has, for many years, experienced a pressing need for additional premises.
Dr. Kamil Idris, Director General of WIPO thanked representatives of member States of the Budget and Premises Committees, for their renewed confidence in the future development of WIPO and for the support expressed in the decision which had just been taken.
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