First Session of the Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications
Geneva, July 22, 1998
Press Updates UPD/1998/29
The first session of the Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT) was held at WIPO headquarters from July 13 to 17, 1998.
The establishment of the SCT was approved by the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO in March 1998. Made up of all interested WIPO Member States, selected intergovernmental (IGOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the SCT is designed to provide a more effective and streamlined mechanism by which Member States may set priorities, allocate resources, and ensure the coordination and continuity of interrelated on-going work in the international development of the law of trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications.
The principles and rules concerning trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications differ from country to country. This causes problems for owners of trademarks and industrial designs who seek protection in several countries and, in the case of geographical indications, to users of geographical indications whose products are distributed in several countries. In view of this situation, the establishment of the SCT is considered particularly opportune as it will serve as a useful forum to discuss issues, facilitate coordination and provide guidance concerning the progressive international development of the law of trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications, including the harmonization of national laws and procedures.
As last week's meeting was the first session of the SCT, discussions initially centered on organizational and procedural matters, including the adoption of the SCT's Rules of Procedure. In this regard, it was decided that membership of the SCT should be extended to Member States of the Paris Union for the Protection of Industrial Property that are not Member States of WIPO, and that observer status should be extended to Members States of the United Nations that are not Member States of WIPO or the Paris Union. Furthermore, it was decided that the European Communities be a member of the Standing Committee, without a right to vote.
The Committee also agreed that an "SCT Electronic Forum" would be established using the Internet to accelerate the process of discussion among the members and observers of the SCT directly concerned.
The Committee reviewed provisions for the protection of well-known marks and outlined those issues which would be the subject of future discussions. It was decided that the next session of the SCT would be held in January 1999, and that the SCT would give priority in its work to the finalization of the provisions on well-known marks and questions concerning the use of trademarks on the Internet.
For more detailed information, please contact:
Mr. Albert Tramposch, Director, Industrial Property Law Division, WIPO:
Tel: (+41 22) 338 96 60
Fax: (+41 22 ) 338 88 30