The Director General of WIPO Pays an OfficialVisit to Finland
Geneva, September 30, 1998
Press Updates UPD/1998/34
Dr. Kamil Idris, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) paid an official two-day visit to Finland on September 29 and 30, 1998. This was the first time, since assuming his duties in November 1997, that the Director General had visited Finland in an official capacity.
During his trip, the Director General was received by H.E. Mr. Martti Ahtisaari, President of the Republic, at his official residence in Mäntynierni. He also visited the Finnish Parliament where he held talks with the Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr. Antti Kalliomaki, the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament, Mrs. Kerttu Törnqvist, and the Minister of Culture, Ms. Suvi-Anne Siimes. In the course of these talks, the Director General presented the Organization's program of work for the current biennium (1998-1999). Discussions also focused on ways to further strengthen the long-standing and fruitful relationship between Finland and WIPO.
Finland became a member of the WIPO in 1970. However, relations with the Organization date from 1921, the year in which it acceded to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. Finland is currently party to some ten international intellectual property instruments in the field of industrial property and copyright protection which are administered by WIPO.
While in Helsinki, the Director General was also able to meet with a number of representatives from business circles with whom he reviewed topical WIPO activities of special interest and concern to industry and commerce. In particular, he emphasized the importance of the private sector as users of the intellectual property system and the measures that were being undertaken by the Organization to ensure that it and the international intellectual property system are responsive to the demands of the market sector.
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