Completion of the First Series of Discussionsof the Standing Committee on Copyright
Geneva, November 10, 1998
Press Updates UPD/1998/38
The discussions conducted by 86 Member States of WIPO and 47 intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations on issues of copyright and related rights were completed today at WIPO. The following matters were addressed:
1. Protection of audiovisual performances
The advisability of a Protocol to the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) concerning audiovisual performances or an independent treaty remains an ongoing issue.
However, it was decided that a comparative table of the various proposals made by Governments and by the European Community as of 28 February 1999 would be drawn up to facilitate forthcoming discussions.
Additionally, to enable participants to continue their exchange of views in more detail, regional consultation meetings will be convened on 3 May 1999 and discussions would be continued at the next session of the Standing Committee to be held in Geneva from 4 to 11 May 1999. The Assemblies of Member States of WIPO to be held in September 1999 could then decide on the holding of a Diplomatic Conference.
2. Protection of Databases
Delegations stressed the need to pursue discussions and agreed on a study of the economic impact of database protection on developing countries, with special emphasis on the impact on the least developed countries.
Additionally, to enable participants to continue their exchange of views in more detail, regional consultations will be held as from April 1999 in the form of seminars or roundtables.
3. Protection of the rights of broadcasting organizations
The Governments expressed their support for the protection of broadcasting organizations. They invited the intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to submit their various proposals by the end of March 1999 to constitute a basis for discussion at the next session of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights to be held in Geneva from 4 to 11 May 1999.
Additionally, to enable participants to continue their exchange of views in more detail, regional consultations are also to be held as from April 1999 in the form of seminars or roundtables.
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