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WIPO Director General Meets with Mongolia's President

Geneva, November 22, 2001
Press Updates UPD/2001/149

The Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Dr. Kamil Idris, met on November 20, 2001 in Ulaan Baatar with the President of Mongolia, H.E. Mr. N. Bagabandi, to discuss the role and importance of intellectual property as a strategic policy instrument to promote economic development and wealth creation. The Director General also met with a number of other top ranking officials for talks on further enhancing cooperation between WIPO and Mongolia. In addition, he received an Honorary Doctoral degree from the University of Science and Technology.

Dr. Idris welcomed the Mongolian government's effort to build and maintain a solid intellectual property infrastructure and pledged WIPO's support in working closely with the national authorities to promote intellectual property as a tool for development and to foster innovation and creativity. The government of Mongolia has prioritized the development of its intellectual property system, recognizing its key role in capturing the value of knowledge and information. These are becoming increasingly important as engines of economic development and wealth creation. Dr. Idris welcomed this approach by Mongolia and pledged WIPO's continued support.

Another highlight of the visit was a meeting with the Minister for Justice and Internal Affairs, Mr. Ts. Nyamdorj, that focused on current and future cooperation in the field of intellectual property in Mongolia. During a ceremonial exchange of letters, Dr. Idris and the Minister agreed on further cooperation in the development of the intellectual property system in Mongolia. The Director General pledged WIPO's assistance in empowering Mongolia to use intellectual property as a tool for strategic development. Emphasis will be placed on assisting small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), holders of traditional knowledge, creators of copyright work and the agriculture sector in better exploiting the intellectual property system for strategic growth. Mongolian officials expressed their support for and appreciation of the development dimension that WIPO is using in its assistance programs.

In addition, the Director General met with Mr. Ch. Ulaan, Acting Prime Minister, Minister for Finance and Economy. At the State Great Khural (Mongolian Parliament), Dr. Idris held talks with Mr. S. Tumur-Ochir, Chairman of the State Great Khural and Mr. Ts. Sharavdor, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the State Great Khural. Dr. Idris also met with Mr. S. Batbold, Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. B. Tserendorj, State Secretary, Ministry for Justice and Internal Affairs and Mr. N. Chinbat, Director General of the Intellectual Property Office of Mongolia.

WIPO has been assisting the Mongolian government in its efforts to modernize the Intellectual Property Office of Mongolia (IPOM). Assistance has been provided in the areas of legislative reform, human resource development and the administration of intellectual property, including assistance to automate the IPOM's intellectual property administration, by setting up information dissemination facilities and training of staff and officers.

Dr. Idris also visited the University of Science and Technology, where he was awarded an Honorary Doctoral degree. Speaking to an audience of distinguished scientists and academics, Dr. Idris expressed his gratitude for having been conferred with this honor and highlighted the importance of intellectual property protection for nations like Mongolia. Dr. Idris also underlined the role of academic institutions as "vast storehouses of knowledge and information" as well as teachers of younger generations, "two critical elements in social and economic development." He expressed certainty that the intellectual property system "is the best tool for social development, economic growth and wealth creation, and we seek to enable all countries to use that tool to their best advantage."

Mongolia became a member of WIPO in 1979 and is a party to nine other WIPO-administered international treaties in the field of intellectual property.

For further information, please contact the Media Relations and Public Affairs Section at WIPO:

  • Tel: (+41 22) - 338 81 61 or 338 95 47
  • Fax: (+41 22) - 338 88 10
  • Email: publicinf@wipo.int.