Heads of WIPO and UNU Sign Cooperation Agreement
Geneva, July 12, 2004
Press Updates UPD/2004/229
The Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Dr. Kamil Idris, and the Rector of the United Nations University (UNU), Prof. Hans J. A. van Ginkel, agreed on Friday, July 9, 2004 to work together to boost awareness of intellectual property and to clarify the link between intellectual property and areas such as economic development, international trade and the environment. The agreement was formalized in a memorandum of understanding which outlines broad areas of cooperation.
At a meeting in Geneva, which follows a June meeting in Tokyo, Dr. Idris and Prof. Ginkel agreed that their respective organizations would cooperate in furthering research, teaching and training in the field of intellectual property. As a first step, WIPO and UNU will exchange expertise in activities of mutual interest, for instance through participation in specialized meetings and events.
Prof. Ginkel expressed hope that this collaboration would eventually evolve into more in-depth research into the relationship between intellectual property and trade, sustainable development and the environment. Dr. Idris underlined his vision of intellectual property as a power tool for economic, social, and cultural development. He said research on the relevance and role of intellectual property with regard to development merits more in-depth studies by scholars in the area of trade, development and environment.
Dr. Idris also discussed the possibility of extending WIPO's distance learning program to academics at UNU. This innovative on-line intellectual property teaching technique, which is in its sixth year, has enabled some 10,000 students in 2003 alone from some 179 countries to learn about copyright and related rights, patents, trademarks, geographical indications, industrial designs, WIPO-administered international registration systems, unfair competition and the protection of plant varieties. It has brought teachers specializing in intellectual property issues closer to students and other interested parties in all corners of the world through virtual means.
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