Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Request for Proposals (RFP) N° PTD/11/036
Corporate brand and external communications strategy development
Date of publication: 27.04.2011
Deadline for submissions: 13.05.2011
WIPO intends to contract external consultancy services to help strengthen WIPO’s External Communications and Branding, a major project under its strategic realignment program.
The terms of reference for the contracting consultancy would be to assist in the following:
1- Development of the external communications and PR strategy;
- Develop key messages for targeted audiences, and various media for disseminating
- Develop talking points based on these messages
- Define measures of success
- Media Training based on key messages with key staff
- Ensure (through training, briefings) that all staff are “on the same page” in promulgating messages
2- Development of an organization-wide corporate brand strategy and architecture;
- Increase WIPO positioning and strengthen WIPO reputation among key audiences and the
- general public
- Develop branding architecture
- Assist in naming new products and services
The purpose of this call for EOI is to identify appropriate suppliers who can potentially fulfill the requirements. The present call for EOI does not constitute an invitation to tender.
Only suppliers deemed qualified by WIPO will receive the invitation to tender.
Any interested company wishing to participate in the prequalification procedure is invited to respond to this Call for Expression of Interest on or before May 13th, 2011 via WIPO’s e-Tendering Portal (ETP) at:
The selection will take into account the answers to the questionnaire according to the following criteria:
a) Experience and expertise of the company;
b) Experience with similar projects for big organizations, private or public;
c) References of projects with national and/or international administrations.